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July 2009


Archive for July, 2009

GJTracker by W7GJ

Posted: July 31st, 2009 under DX, EME, Hamradio, Software.

After getting my new 6M yagi up in the air, I have wanted to try it on eme to see how it performs. To see the times that are best to the different stations, I found GJTRACKER to be an excellent program. The program is written by Lance W7GJ and was originally a dos version. […]

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#120 on 6M with OX3KQ

Posted: July 27th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio.

I’ve been hunting OX for years. They have been worked in Norway at several occasions, but I’ve missed all of them. This time LA7HJA alerted me and I finally got it late Thursday night. Jesper OX3KQ came in, was worked, and quickly vanished. Jesper also gave me a new one on 160M back in January. […]

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6M aurora, eme and new grids

Posted: July 23rd, 2009 under EME, Hamradio, LoTW.

Sunday wasn’t over after the last report. Instead of editing my last post a third time, I decided to save it for this post. I noticed LA5UF spotting KP4EIT on SSB, but I was too late. A few hours later, the band suddenly opened to northern OH. I heard and worked OH8UV and OH7HXH. Finally I […]

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Some USA, 6M EME, ZC4LI #118 on 6M, 23 JA’s on 6M

Posted: July 20th, 2009 under DX, EME, Hamradio, Soundclips.

Good 6M openings has been missing lately. Most of the expeditions are qrt and I only managed 8R1DB of those who were on expedition. I had a miss with 3A2MD on the 8th of July. I heard Laura and called her, but she faded out. 3A seems to be a tough one to get. I […]

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Stuart makes his first contact

Posted: July 16th, 2009 under Hamradio, Morse.

KB6NU posted a story from this years field day on his blog. I read the story some time last week, and I found it quite touching. The story is about Stuart making his first radio contact. Stuart is a young boy 13 years of age who get’s his first shot at a contact on a […]

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