JW Expedition by LA5QFA and LA8AJA
Click here to download an mp3-file (437kb) that OH3NWQ, Vesa, recorded of us on 6M.
last update 20 March 2003
Finally. Here you can see our QSL-card. We have gotten the cards. LA6EIA
has answered all the direct JW4X cards. The JW8AJA direct cards will be processed when received. Bureau processing has
also started.- Date: January 14 - January 20 2002
- QTH was JQ78, from JW5E's club house, Longyear City
- Iota EU-026
- Call used: 6M: JW4X, else JW5QFA and JW8AJA
Click here to download an mp3-file (437kb) that OH3NWQ, Vesa, recorded of us on 6M.
- JW4X worked 274 QSO'es
- JW5QFA worked about 1000 QSO'es
- JW8AJA worked 3651 QSO'es