About mode statistics


Back in late May of 2018, I noticed an email on the Club Log mailing list from Michael G7VJR, the author of Club Log. He wrote about the interest in the growth of the FT8 mode, and if other modes are losing out to it. He made the raw data available to anyone who wants to make anything out ot it. As I've played around a lot with databases, statistics and graphs, I thought, why not try to make something out of it. Out of that data, I made this page with mode statistics. I also made is possible to filter the data a bit.

The possibilities with data like this are endless, but I chose to make available yearly, monthly and daily graphs within the year specified. The data starts at January 1st 1990, and the raw data is usually updated around the 10th of each month.


Thanks to Michael, G7VJR and Club Log for making this data available.

Link to the raw data: Raw data

Link to Club Log: Clublog.org

Last update

The last day with statistics is 2024-07-08.

The author

The author of this page is LA8AJA, Andreas Kristiansen. I make webpages for fun. Want to know more about me? Have a look at my personal webpage la8aja.com.