DXPedition to KP5, Desecheo Island
Posted: August 21st, 2008 under Dxpedition, Hamradio.

I just read that KP5 will probably be qrv soon. That is one dxcc that I have never worked, so I very much look forward to it. Read the press release from W3UR below:
For several weeks there have been rumors of a DXpedition to Desecheo Island,
KP5. Sometimes it is best to keep quiet until the right time. Your editor
and several other DX editors have been keeping a lid on this one for good
reasons. Mostly so anxious DXpeditioners don’t step on one another and ruin
the possibility for a rare one to come on the air.Back in late June a letter was sent to would be KP5 DXpeditioners. The
United States Department of the Interior’s Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
dug back into their files finding the names and addresses of those who
showed interest in going to Desecheo. It’s not known by this editor exactly
how many letters were sent, however we do know applications were pulled
from as far back as 1997. I am aware of about 10 different individuals or
groups who received the letter, which can be seen at
http://www.dailydx.com/Desecheo.pdf. Not all of the groups will be able to
go. In fact only one group has the possibility of going! As of this date
no group has been told they can go!A reliable source tells The Daily DX the following: "There is a tentative
agreement to facilitate access to the Desecheo Island National Wildlife
Refuge by Amateur Radio operators in conjunction with future USFWS
management activities in the refuge. The plan would allow Amateur Radio
activation of Desecheo for up to 14 days under strict guidelines and close
USFWS supervision""USFWS expects to grant a Special Use Permit (SUP) for Amateur Radio
operations to one group selected from among large number of prior
applicants. These applicants have recently been contacted by the agency and
provided a number of stringent requirements that must be met. They were
told that if they are still interested in operating from Desecheo they had
45 days to submit a proposal. The letter was dated June 30, 2008, with an
August 14th deadline. The final selection will be made based upon which
proposal best satisfies USFWS requirements. The timing of this operation is
still uncertain but is likely to be in the September through December 2008
time frame. The actual dates of the operation are dependent on a number of
variables, but the team and DXers should have a minimum of 30 days notice.""We are not sure, but we believe as many as a dozen proposals have been
submitted. Apparently, the final selection will be made by a three person
panel. Continue to remain patient as the selection process proceeds.
Apparently, DXers worldwide can look forward to the first USFWS-authorized
activation of Desecheo Island in many years."This is great news and if properly handled by the DX community could
possibly lead to future operations from Desecheo and who knows what else!73
Bernie, W3UR
To learn more about Desecheo, this link is worth a visit. www.kp1-5.com/history.html
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