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Archive for 'Diploma'

SAC CW 2012 Diploma in the mail

Posted: August 28th, 2013 under Contesting, Diploma, Hamradio.

Some time during last week I got a big envelope in the mail. I had noe clue as to what it was, but when I opened it, I got this diploma. #1 in Norway, but I think I was the only participant. I worked around 500 qsoes just for fun in that contest. Thank you […]

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The VUCC Award has been added to LoTW

Posted: December 30th, 2010 under Diploma, Hamradio, LoTW.

I read over at the LoTW site a few days ago that they are testing the VUCC implementation. It will be exciting to see how many grid squares I get confirmed on LoTW. My 6M LoTW return rate is 13,5% Dec 22, 2010: VUCC Award Support Testing — VUCC support is being installed and tested. […]

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CQ WW 160M CW 2009 Diploma

Posted: November 15th, 2009 under Diploma, Hamradio.

A few weeks ago I got another diploma in the mail. This time it was for the CQ WW 160M CW contest in January this year. According to the diploma, I won my class in LA.

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WPX RTTY 2009 diploma

Posted: October 16th, 2009 under Contesting, Diploma.

Last week I got an A4 sized envelope in the mail. It contained a diploma from the World Wide RTTY WPX Contest 2009. I was quite surprised, as I never expected any diploma. Turns out, I won my category in LA. I just participated a few hours and worked 150 contacts. I was originally planning […]

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CQ DX Awards now accepting confirmations

Posted: January 16th, 2009 under Diploma.

I just read that CQ Magazine is now accepting eQSL confirmations for award credit. Seems like digital confirmations are getting more and more popular. I have not registered on eQSL myself, and I'm not sure if I'll ever do. Only future will tell. There is a catch with this whole thing. Only confirmations from "Authenticity […]

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