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Archive for 'Homepage'

C31CT on 30M and a small JA run

Posted: December 23rd, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, Homepage, LoTW, Soundclips.

A small report this time since I haven’t been on the radio for several days. On Sunday, I had a go on 30M. I called CQ and was spotted by ZL2IFB, thanks Gary. Band was open for some DX, and I got 15 JA’s in the log and one HL with HL3IB. I worked the […]

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WordPress 2.7 is released – up and running

Posted: December 12th, 2008 under Homepage, Software.

WordPress 2.7 was released yesterday. I have been running early builds on a testblog without any problems at all. I had in mind to upgrade this blog to 2.7 RC2, but when I finally had the time to do so, 2.7 was released! I had no problems with the update, but as always, disabling the […]

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WordPress 2.6.3 released – vulnerability fix

Posted: October 24th, 2008 under Homepage, Software.

A new version was just released. It’s a minor update with a vulnerability fix in the Snoopy library. WordPress uses Snoopy to fetch the feeds shown in the Dashboard. It’s low risk, but I updated anyhow. In the link below, you can download 2 files and upload, so the update is a quick one.

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More Botswana QSO’es and WordPress theme modification

Posted: September 29th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, Homepage.

I did a little bit of DX’ing after work today. I got A25/DL7DF on 30M RTTY (new modecountry) and 40M (new country). Thanks for the expedition guys. You are doing a great job. The expedition homepage can be seen here. I also modified my WordPress theme to include gravatars in the comments.

Comments: 2

Updates: Morserunner – LoTW – logsearch

Posted: September 24th, 2008 under Hamradio, Homepage, LoTW.

A few updates here and there today: LA9DFA has regained interest in hamradio after a while of absence. He improved his Morserunner score 3 times in a short period. The table on my page is updated. Logsearch has been updated with the latest LA8AJA qso’es. LoTW has been updated with the latest LA8AJA qso’es. Several tweaks […]

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