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H44KW in the mail

Posted: September 9th, 2013 under Dxpedition, Hamradio, Iota.

h44kw_oc_047 Here is the qslcard I got a few weeks back. I requested it via oqrs on G3SWH's page. This was a new iota for me.Thank you very much for the contact and the qslcard.

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9M2/R6AF/P, DU1/R6AF/P and R6AF/P in the mail

Posted: September 7th, 2013 under Dxpedition, Hamradio, Iota.

r6af_p_eu_185 du1_r6af_p_oc_090 9m2_r6af_p_as_097

Here are scans of the QSLcards I got direct from R6AF last week. I used OQRS via Clublog. All 3 were new iota's confirmed. DU and 9M2 were also islands not worked before. Thank you for the qsoes and the qslcards.

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SAC CW 2012 Diploma in the mail

Posted: August 28th, 2013 under Contesting, Diploma, Hamradio.

sac_cw_2012_award_la8aja Some time during last week I got a big envelope in the mail. I had noe clue as to what it was, but when I opened it, I got this diploma. #1 in Norway, but I think I was the only participant. I worked around 500 qsoes just for fun in that contest.

Thank you to all for calling me and giving me a few hours of pile-up and fun. Thank you also to the people organizing the contest!

Read more about the Scandinavian Activity Contest here.

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VK5CE/P OC-261 worked for a new iota

Posted: August 20th, 2013 under DX, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

vk5ce_p_oc_261 I've seen VK5CE/P from OC-261 spotted at times, but most of the time only on SSB. So I haven't bothered too much with checking out the signal and I haven't been on at the right time. 

However, today I noticed him being spotted on 20M SSB at the time I was in the front of the radio. I tuned in and checked, but I could not hear a thing. I was listening for several minutes without even a tiny whisper. Right when I was about to check the band for other VK's to check conditions, he was back on the frequency with a good signal. After just a few calls he was logged easily for a new iota. Thank you very much for the contact and a new iota Craig!

Listen to his signal below and read his blog here.


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SA-046, NA-148 and EU-081 worked for three new iota’s

Posted: August 18th, 2013 under 6M, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

rt9k_p After my last report I have worked a few more contacts.

On August 5th I worked RT9K/P on 20M CW from AS-109.

On August 6th I worked RT9K/P and XV2JJ on 30M CW.

On August 8th I worked SQ9BDB/1 on 40M SSB from EU-132 and R20RRC/8 on 40M CW from AS-109. I also worked V5/DK9IP on 40M CW for a new one on 40M.

On August 9th I worked TM0SM on 15M CW from EU-081 for a new iota. On 6M I worked LA/SP7VC from KQ21, SM5EPO/2 from JP97 and EI9E/P from IO55 for 3 new gridsquares. 

On August 10th I managed to work NE1RD/1 on 17M SSB from NA-148 for a new iota. He was very weak, but I kept listening to his frequency and he came enough to make a contact.

On August 11th I worked LA/SP7VC again on 6M, this time from KQ00, which was a new gridsquare. In the evening I noticed a spot for PY7RP/P on 15M SSB. He was operating from iota SA-046. At first I didn't hear him, but then he appeared and I managed to work him for yet another new iota.


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