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JW8HGA and JW8AJA will be qrv February 4th-8th

Posted: January 13th, 2011 under Dxpedition, Hamradio.

jw_2011 As the title says, we’ll be active from JW in early February. We will be qrv from the clubhouse at JW5E. We will work CW and RTTY and perhaps some SSB on 160M-10M depending on conditions. For more info and logsearch go to the page I’ve set up for this small expedition:

Comments: 3

LoTW statistics for LA8AJA

Posted: January 6th, 2011 under Hamradio, LoTW.

Wow. Time sure flies. It has been 1 year since I last posted my LoTW stats for LA8AJA. Not much to say other than a 43% return rate from 2010 is excellent. I must add that I participated a few hours in several RTTY contests that raised it a lot. The total hit has increased to 18,5% up from 14%. With always increasing postage rates and VUCC added to the LoTW program, I hope it's popularity will increase even more.

Yearly statistics:

Year # QSO'es # Confirmed %
1995  348  17 4,89% 
1996  1321  103 7.80%
1997  3100  295 9,52%
1998  1849  179 9,68%
1999  2482  322 12,97%
2000  3001  472 15,74%
2001  1686  243 14,41%
2002  585  75 12,82%
2003  466  52 11,16%
2004  44  14 31,82%
2005  40  16 40,00% 
2006  216  63 29,17%
2007  160  41 25,63%
2008  444  151 34,01%
2009  2021  742 36,71%
2010  2054  888 43,23%
Total  19814  3673 18,54%


Here are my band, mode and DXCC statistics:

la8aja_lotw_stats_january_2011 As always, keep the confirmations coming!

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Happy New Year 2011 everyone

Posted: December 31st, 2010 under Hamradio.

fireworks I wish everyone a Happy New Year 2011 with lots of DX in your log.

Comments: 2

The VUCC Award has been added to LoTW

Posted: December 30th, 2010 under Diploma, Hamradio, LoTW.

I read over at the LoTW site a few days ago that they are testing the VUCC implementation. It will be exciting to see how many grid squares I get confirmed on LoTW. My 6M LoTW return rate is 13,5%

Dec 22, 2010: VUCC Award Support Testing — VUCC support is being installed and tested. When this upgrade is implemented, amateurs can use LoTW to apply for awards based on Maidenhead grid squares, such as VUCC and the Fred Fish Memorial Award. As LoTW goes into testing mode for these changes, its ability to accept awards applications for DXCC and WAS has been temporarily suspended, but it will still process and accept uploads. LoTW's application function will be restored as soon as possible.

This is great news indeed and I hope more awards will be added. As more award are added, hopefully more users will join.

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G3WOS’s 2011 6M BBQ

Posted: December 23rd, 2010 under 6M, Hamradio.

I got an e-mail a few days ago from Chris G3WOS about a possible 2011 6M BBQ. I was there in 2005 with LA8AV and it was very enjoyable. If you're interested in such an event, drop him an e-mail. Hopefully I'll be able to go in 2011.

After the great success of the previous BBQs, I am thinking of holding a 6m BBQ (if there is sufficient interest) on Saturday 6th August 2010 in Farnborough, Hampshire UK.Take a look at the 2005 BBQ web site. As we have always had a good number of non-UK 6m hams attend, I am sending this now so that you can plan your summer around the event by visiting the UK!

There will be plenty of food and drink, lots of 6m guys to talk to and argue with and XYLs are positively encouraged! I hope that we will see an even better turn out of non-UK 6m enthusiasts. For those wanting to stay over on Friday night, we will get everyone into the same hotel (The Falcon as in 2007) and organise another great 6m dinner for the Friday evening.

There will be several interesting talks to help pass the long hot summer day…The cost of the BBQ is not yet known but will be around 30 UK Pounds and will need to be paid in advance of the event.

I know it's a long way off, but if you are interested in attending PLEASE send me an email. If I don't don't hear from you I could assume there is no interest and cancel as I had to do in 2010!

73 Chris G3WOS –

To read more about the BBQ, go here.

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