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#260 on LoTW with FP/K9OT

Posted: August 18th, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, Soundclips.

fp_k9ot_qsl Back in July, I worked FP/K9OT on 30M CW. As he is an LoTW user, I worked him to get FP on LoTW. Last week the log was uploaded, and I got #260 on LoTW. Thank you very much.


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#259 on LoTW with 3D20CR

Posted: August 12th, 2010 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, LoTW.

3d20cr_qsl_front I have been catching up on some qsling lately and mailed a lot direct. I have also used a few oqrs (Online Qsl Request System) services. One of the last ones to get confirmed, were 3D20CR Conway Reef. Now I have 324 of the 325 worked confirmed. The card is a beautiful folded card and the scan is attached to this post. A few days after I got the card, I also got the LoTW confirmation which gives me #259 on LoTW.

As for the radio front, I did work a few contacts on 6M aurora last week. I got a new ODX on 6M aurora with EI7IX suddenly calling in. EI7IX is in IO53 and the distance was about 1423km.

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LA5UF’s 6M signal at JL8GFB

Posted: August 8th, 2010 under 6M, DX, Hamradio.

I happened to find this clip on youtube. Play it and listen to how LA5UF sounded at JL8GFB's station on 6M. This was recorded on July 18th, 2010. LA5UF had a nice JA run. I missed this opening.

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9X0TL #267 on 30M and several new iota’s

Posted: August 6th, 2010 under Contesting, DX, Hamradio, Iota.

iotargb I'm not that much into the IOTA program, but I do work IOTA's from time to time. I have managed to work a few over 300, but since there are over 1000 IOTA's, I have a long way to go. Since we had an IOTA Contest coming up, I noticed plenty of activities. I worked a few new ones before the contest and they were RN1N/P EU-147, OH1K EU-140, IG9/IK2PZC AF-019, KL7RRC/P NA-235 and LZ1BJ/1 EU-181.

In the contest I worked around 30 contacts, and the new IOTA's were CS2K EU-167, 4O1OTA EU-163, W3DX NA-067 and UW2F/P EU-179. That makes my IOTA total come up to 314.

On July 24th, I managed to work 9X0TL for #267 on 30M.

On July 25th, I noticed JW/OZ1IKY was spotted on 6M. An OZ group was operating from JW5E in JQ78. I have never managed to work this square. After listening for a few hours, he came up strong enough for me to work him. That was square #646 worked on 6M.

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#258 on LoTW with YI9PSE

Posted: August 2nd, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg Last week I noticed YI9PSE had uploaded the log on LoTW. That gave me YI confirmed on 3 bands and #258 LoTW only. Thank you very much for the expedition.

It has been pretty quiet on 6M, but did work a few contacts July 22nd. The band was open to G/GU/PA/F and I worked OH0/OH3XR and OH0/DK1MAX on CW. They were both worked on backscatter. G0VJG/P was worked in IN69. I have the grid, but it is pretty rare. On HF I worked VP5/W5CW on 17M.

July 23rd gave me V31BD on 30M CW. He uses LoTW, and will be a new one there. He had a solid signal this morning.

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