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How to make gridsquaremaps with DXAtlas

Posted: July 9th, 2010 under Hamradio, Software.

A few people have asked me about the gridsquare maps I have a few places on this site. They are made with DXAtlas.

They are very easy to make, and several logprograms can generate these for you. If you want to make them yourself, just load up DXAtlas and right-click the square you want to mark. You can choose worked or confirmed. You can also make files in a texteditor. Put one square on each line and save the file as "filename".wkd for worked squares and "filename".cfm for confirmed squares. Now you can load these in DXAtlas.

DXAtlas is shareware and you can try it for free for 30 days. To register, it costs 30$. Get it here.

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LN2HQ trenger operatører til IARU HF Championship

Posted: July 8th, 2010 under Contesting, Hamradio.

ln2hq_qsls Hei!

Er det noe kunne tenke seg å bruke noen timer på å operere LN2HQ NRRL’s stasjon i kommende helg i IARU HF Championship contest 10-11 juli?
Klikk deg inn på og meld deg på.

Per i dag så er følgende båndslåtter ledige, samtlige kjøres fra forskjellige QTH omkring i Norge.

  • 160 CW
  • 80 SSB
  • 40 SSB
  • 10 CW

73 Stein Roar, LA6FJA, LN2HQ koordinator

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#128 on 6M with FS/W6JKV

Posted: July 5th, 2010 under 6M, DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

fs_w6jkv_6m I never expected this one. Conditions has been very bad lately on 6M. This was on June 30th and I was listening on JW7QIA on 6M with a nice signal. I then noticed SM and OH spotting FS. I turned the yagi and there he was with a weak signal. After a few minutes he came up and I got him in the log. Thanks again Jimmy for another new one on 6M (#128 6M).


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How to make pathplotmaps in Google Earth

Posted: July 2nd, 2010 under Hamradio, Software.

Several people have asked about how I make the maps I use on this page. If you don't know what I'm talking about, here are a few examples:

These maps are made in Google Earth. Download the program for free from here. To help me plot the path, I use Ham Radio Deluxe. That is another free program and you can get it here. If you are using this logging program already, it shouldn't be a problem. I don't, so I have to import the contacts. I do this via an adif-export from my other logging program. The important thing here is to fill out all the gridsquares in the contacts. To get the most accurate plot, use all the six letters. And also remember to set your homelocation. When all that is ok, choose the contacts you want to plot, rightclick -> lookup -> Google Earth. If everything is correctly set up, you should have a nice map with the plots.

Now comes a second question I got. If you look at my maps, you see I have the fields drawn up too. This is made with an overlay from HAM Atlas. Get it for free here.

Thanks to VE2XK. It was at his website I first found these types of maps. Check it out here.

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JW7QIA 4M/6M activity

Posted: June 29th, 2010 under 6M, DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio.

I got a few pictures from Peter today.  He has been active from Kapp Linné JW7SIX beacon qth since Sunday evening. The locator is JQ68tb. He has 2 3 element yagies on 6M and one 5 element yagi for 4M. Right now you can check for Peter on 6M on 50098.5KHz or 50130KHz and 4M on 70270KHz. He will be qrv till July 2nd 2010. 

He was also active from JW5E JQ78tf prior to Sunday where he also worked several contacts into Europe. A new 5 element yagi was put up at the top of the tower at JW5E, so hopefully it will help a bit with the activity.

QSL for the acitivity is via homecall to LA7QIA. 


  • JW7QIA 6M CW – JQ68tb June 27th 2010
  • JW7QIA 6M CW – JQ68tb June 29th 2010 – heavy qsb and dopplershift – conditions were disturbed this evening

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