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CQWW CW 2009 – doing some S&P

Posted: December 3rd, 2009 under Contesting, Hamradio.

cqlogo.jpg As it turned out this year, LN8W didn't participate in the CQWW CW contest. I've joined them every year since 2003, so it was a pity, but sometimes Murphy strikes when you least expect it with antenna, rig and amplifier problems. Instead I had some time to listen in and work a few contacts from home. I worked a total of 77 qso'es on 40M, 20M and 15M. I will submit a checklog. I had worked most of the stuff before, but a few new ones were logged with FY5KE 40M CW (#246 40M), ST2AR 15M CW (#222 15M) and 9J3A 15M CW (#223 15M).

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Swedish QTC refers to my homepage

Posted: November 30th, 2009 under Hamradio.

qtc_september2009_page_38 Thanks to LA8HGA for bringing it to my attention that my homepage was mentioned in the Swedish monthly hamradio magazine QTC. This was the September 2009 edition. They mention my homepage as a DX page and they also refer to the post about LA8YB's eme array. Click the picture to see the article.

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#239 on LoTW, #311 and #312 on CW, #189 on RTTY

Posted: November 26th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, RTTY, Soundclips.

fk_c_a3_3d2c_2 A few days ago I got a pleasant surprise on LoTW. A25/DL7DF had uploaded the log and gave me a new one (#239 LoTW) confirmed on LoTW. It was also one of five I needed confirmed total. Another one confirmed were TX3A on 30M CW. I worked them November 21st for #256 on 30M.

Yesterday I had a day off from work, so I had some time to spend on the air. A25NW was reported on 12M in LA, so I had a look. I could hear him, not too strong, but after a few calls I managed to log him. A few minutes later I worked CE0Y/SM6CUK with a nice signal on 40M CW. A31A showed up on 40 and gave me a new one on 40M (#244) and CW (#311). A few hours later I managed to get A31A on 30M CW (#257 30M). VK9XX was going strong on 30M RTTY and I managed to work him for a new RTTY country (#189). ST2AR popped up on 17M with a big signal and big pile-up. I managed to get him for a new CW country (#312 CW). V88HTL was on 30M and I managed to work him for a new 30M country (#258). 3V3S was going strong on 30M and was logged for a new prefix. 9G5TT was worked a few minutes later on 30M CW. 9L7NS had a good signal on 20M and was worked for a new 20M CW country.


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XR0Y worked on 30M and 40M

Posted: November 21st, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, Soundclips.

easter_island On the 12th, I worked 5H1HS on 30M CW. I did try to work TN5SN also, but the pile-up was too big. He had quite a nice signal in Norway, so I guess most of Europe had that as well. On Friday the 13th, I worked XR0Y on 40M for #243. Signal was quite nice. On the 14th I managed to work them on 30M.

On LoTW I've gotten several confirmations lately. The new ones are D2BB (#237) and FR/F6KDF/T (#238). D2BB gave me several new bandpoints. S04R showed up too with 4 qoes, 5C8M with 5 qsoes and CN8WW with 8 qsoes. T6AG and ZC4VJ were also confirmed on 30M. 


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CQ WW 160M CW 2009 Diploma

Posted: November 15th, 2009 under Diploma, Hamradio.

cqww_160_cw_2009 A few weeks ago I got another diploma in the mail. This time it was for the CQ WW 160M CW contest in January this year. According to the diploma, I won my class in LA.

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