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WPX RTTY 2009 diploma

Posted: October 16th, 2009 under Contesting, Diploma.

wpx_rtty_2009_diploma Last week I got an A4 sized envelope in the mail. It contained a diploma from the World Wide RTTY WPX Contest 2009. I was quite surprised, as I never expected any diploma. Turns out, I won my category in LA. I just participated a few hours and worked 150 contacts. I was originally planning on just sending a checklog, but forgot and submitted the log as a regular log. I think that is my first diploma for my own call.

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Posted: October 12th, 2009 under Hamradio.

jw5nm_2006 I heard the sad news yesterday. JW5NM Mathias died of heart failure. I had the pleasure of meeting him face to face two times when visiting JW. First time was in 2002 and the second time was in 2006. The picture is from the trip in 2006. Mathias was the most active hamradio operator from JW and one of the few hams living up there on a permanent basis. I also had the opportunity to work him a few times on the air. My condolences to the family. RIP Mathias.

Edited October 16th.

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E51NOU worked for a new one on 30M

Posted: October 11th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

south_cook_e5 Wednesday this week I started work late. I tuned around the band to check conditions. I noticed 3D20CR with few takers on 20M CW. I got him after a litte while. I switched to 30M where I noticed E51NOU was quite strong on CW. Bill N7OU had left Chatham Island and was now qrv from South Cook. I got him quickly in the log for #251 on 30M. TX5SPA was on 30M CW, but not too strong, so I switched to 40M CW instead. They had quite a nice signal there and after a few calls in the pile-up, they were logged. On Friday evening, 5N0OCH was on 40M CW with a nice signal. He was working simplex, but I quickly logged him for another band. 4S7AAG was also on 40M CW with a strong signal. He had quite a big pile-up, and I couldn’t break it. He went to SSB, so I never bothered listening for him there.


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3D20CR worked for an all-time new – #325 total

Posted: October 5th, 2009 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio.

conway_reef_3d2c I have been looking forward to this expedition. I haven’t heard Conway active at all since I got my licence. On Saturday I couldn’t break the 30m pile-up at all. They were mostly working JA’s. On Sunday I managed to work 3D20CR on 20M SSB, 17M CW and probably 30M CW. I’m not sure if the one on 30M was a pirate or not. That brings my all-time count to #325 total. Conway Reef homepage is here. QSL is via DJ8NK. Later on Sunday, I worked T6YA for a new one on 40M CW (#241 40M). T6YA QSL is via F5OGL. On Monday I worked IL7X on 30M CW for a new IOTA EU-050. I also tried to work TX5SPA on 30M CW on Friday. They had quite a good signal, but I couldn’t break the pile-up at all. No worries though, I have Austral in the log from previous expeditions.

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ZL7/N7OU worked on 30M and 40M

Posted: September 27th, 2009 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.

zl7_chatham A small radio report this time. Bill N7OU is active again, this time from Chatham ZL7. I called him and I’m pretty sure I’m in the log on 30M on September 22nd. The signal was quite weak. On September 25th I worked him on 40M with a much better signal. On September 27th he was on 30M again with a good signal. I called him and worked him, probably for a dupe. Sorry about that Bill, but the other QSO was so marginal. ZL7 was #249 on 30M. I did also try to call FT5GA on 17M September 21st, but I couldn’t break the pile-up. Signal was up and down, but mostly quite good. On September 25th, I tried to work FP/G3ZAY on 40M, but the pile-up was too big.


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