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Soundclip recording from JG3LEB on 6M

Posted: August 11th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

While searching for my own callsign on the web, I stumbled onto a soundclip of myself working 6M into Japan on July 19th 2009. The recording was made by JG3LEB. Since I recorded the whole session myself, I extracted the part where JG3LEB called me. Listen to both soundclips below.


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DXbase logging program is shut down

Posted: August 7th, 2009 under Hamradio, Software.

dxbase2007 Effective from July 31st 2009, DXbase has been shut down. Jack, the lead developer, sent out the announcement on the reflector. The farewell message can be read here. I’ve had a feeling for a long time this would happen, the question was only when. No new versions has been released since 2006, and several questions about a new version hasn’t been answered. I’ve been using DXbase 2007 for a while, and it suits my current needs very well, but new versions are always welcome. Especially when new Windows versions are coming out, and people have a problem with the program. The program would have been dead a long time ago if it hadn’t been for Joe WA6AXE. He runs a webpage which contains several add-ons, reports and labels for DXbase. If you haven’t been there, take a look here. Jack also mentions that someone might take over the development for DXbase. They are open for offers and only time will tell if DXbase will rise again.

I surely will be on the lookout for a new logging program, maybe you have a favourite logging program you can tell me about?

Edit August 26th 2009: DXBase has got a new owner and the development will continue. Read more about it here.

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WordPress 2.8.3 released – security fix

Posted: August 4th, 2009 under Homepage, Software.

wp_logo.png Another security fix version was released by the WordPress team. I suggest you grab it as soon as you can. I updated just a few minutes ago. Get the new release here, and read the release notes from Boren below.


Unfortunately, I missed some places when fixing the privilege escalation issues for 2.8.1. Luckily, the entire WordPress community has our backs. Several folks in the community dug deeper and discovered areas that were overlooked. With their help, the remaining issues are fixed in 2.8.3. Since this is a security release, upgrading is highly recommended. Download 2.8.3, or upgrade automatically from your admin.

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GJTracker by W7GJ

Posted: July 31st, 2009 under DX, EME, Hamradio, Software.

gjtracker After getting my new 6M yagi up in the air, I have wanted to try it on eme to see how it performs. To see the times that are best to the different stations, I found GJTRACKER to be an excellent program. The program is written by Lance W7GJ and was originally a dos version. It was rewritten in 2008 for windows and the latest version was released July 9, 2009. The program is easy to use. Just plot in the station, locator, elevation info, date and click run. You’ll get your common moon in an editor of your choice. You can also track the moon in realtime if you chose real-time under the operation choice.

Get the program here:

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#120 on 6M with OX3KQ

Posted: July 27th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio.

ox3kq I’ve been hunting OX for years. They have been worked in Norway at several occasions, but I’ve missed all of them. This time LA7HJA alerted me and I finally got it late Thursday night. Jesper OX3KQ came in, was worked, and quickly vanished. Jesper also gave me a new one on 160M back in January. When it comes to 6M, that was the 9th new one this season. A  season that has exceeded all my expectations. I’m now at #120 total on 6M and at 569 grids.

Saturday morning I got OH6MIK in KP13 for a new grid. We worked on JT6M and the qso took only a few minutes. The band also opened with some sporadic-e to Europe, but I  couldn’t find anything interesting to work. I was listening for SM1/DK2ZF in JO96, but no signals here. I guess he is not beaming much my way.

On Sunday the band opened to EA/EA6 and CN. No new grids popped up, but I worked CN8KD. He had a nice signal here.

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