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February 2025


Archive for 'Hamradio'

K5D #232 and J5UAP #233 on LoTW

Posted: September 5th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

The radio front has been quiet. I only worked KH7XS on 30M CW August 29th. I’m waiting for the Glorioso expedition to hit the air. They will start some time in mid-September. Glorioso will be an all time new one for me. Read more about the expedition here. I have also gotten a few new […]

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GJTracker 2.02 released

Posted: September 2nd, 2009 under EME, Hamradio, Software.

Lance W7GJ released a new version of his moontracking software a few days ago. He has included a map which shows the moon terminator. This can be quite useful to determine who has moon and who hasn’t. Lance saw the need for this on his E51SIX expedition, where he had no internet access most of […]

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DXBase logging program has a new owner

Posted: August 26th, 2009 under Hamradio, Software.

I’m happy to report that the DXBase hamradio logging program has got a new owner. Neal K3NC aquired the software a few days ago. Read the announcement from the new owner here. I’m happy to see that DXBase will be continued in it’s development. In a blog post here, Neal says that we shouldn’t except […]

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7P #230 and 7O #231 on LoTW

Posted: August 22nd, 2009 under Hamradio, LoTW.

The last week has brought several new ones confirmed on LoTW. I got 7P8OK and 7P8MM confirmed on LoTW. That brought my total up to #230. On Augusth 19th, I got several 7O1YGF qso’es confirmed, which brought my total to #231. Other interesting stuff confirmed is KH6MB 20M RTTY. I had KH6 worked on RTTY, […]

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Over to HF dxing again, several new bandcountries

Posted: August 17th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, RTTY, Soundclips.

The good openings on 6M seems fewer and fewer as we approach the end of the sporadic-e season. I have noticed several days with openings to Europe, but I rarely bother to work anything. I’ve started listening on HF again, where several expeditions has been qrv. On August 4th, I worked FJ/VE3EY on 20M CW […]

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