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Archive for 'Hamradio'

#112 on 6M with C37NL

Posted: June 11th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

6M has been pretty much quiet since Saturday here. Thanks to OH5LID, I still have managed to work a few new grids. On Sunday, he went to KP43 activated it. He was in KP54 the day before, and he was just as easy to work from KP43. On Tuesday, he asked if I wanted to […]

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New 6M antenna, and finally some 6M openings

Posted: June 7th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, Propagation, Soundclips.

Last weekend I finally put the final touches to my new antenna project. With big help from LA7HJA, we raised the tower in the evening on May 30th. I exchanged my old 4 element yagi on 6M for a much bigger 7 element M2 6M7JHV. It is now about 10-11M above ground. Conditions on the […]

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4U1ITU new on 12M, ZK2V new on 20M, CW and LoTW

Posted: June 4th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

The radio front has been quiet, but there are a few contacts to report about. 4U1ITU was worked on 12M CW and SSB May 23rd. That makes #219 on 12M. I did hear A61Q and A92GE, but couldn’t get through. That would have been 2 new ones there. On Monday this week, I got ZK2V […]

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LA6Q qrv from EU-055 this weekend

Posted: May 31st, 2009 under Dxpedition, Hamradio, Iota.

LA5UKA Bjørn and LA9VDA Tony are qrv this weekend from Vågsøy, EU055. They will probably be active till tomorrow. I spoke to LA5UKA earlier today, and he told me that they decided to take a weekend trip. QSL via LA9VDA. According to the cluster, they have been spotted on 10M, 17M, 20M, 30M and 40M. […]

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Norwegian TV-show Newton featuring Morse vs SMS

Posted: May 24th, 2009 under Hamradio, Morse, TV.

LB1GB asked for the url to the tv-show where LA4LN and I (LA8AJA) appeared a couple of years ago. The show was Newton, and aired January 21st 2007 on NRK. I thought I had a post about it, but just couldn’t find it. I know I posted the url on, but when I found […]

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