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Archive for 'Hamradio'

AXETTY – log RTTY contacts directly in DXBase

Posted: January 10th, 2009 under Hamradio, Software.

Joe, WA6AXE released his AXETTY program recently. This is an RTTY program which uses the MMTTY engine for RTTY-decoding. The program can log directly into DXBASE. This program is exactly the kind of minimalistic program I have been looking for. I usually run N1MM for grabbing new ones, but I really don’t need all those […]

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Desecheo Island KP5 Press Release #3

Posted: January 7th, 2009 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio.

January 6, 2009 Desecheo 2009 Press release #3 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE During the week of December 17-21, six members of the February 2009 Desecheo DXpedition team met in Puerto Rico. The team spent the first evening with local DXers and members of the Puerto Rico Amateur Radio League and enjoyed a wonderful dinner and a […]

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3B8CF on 40M and UK9AA on RTTY

Posted: January 5th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, RTTY, Soundclips.

Just a very small report this time. No E44M in the log yet, though I have worked E4 on many bands before. I would like to work them on RTTY, and did have a listen on Friday, but I couldn’t hear them. However, UK9AA was on 30M RTTY at the same time as E44M. I worked him […]

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JD1BLY, BD4KUU and 2 new states on 40M

Posted: December 30th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

JD1BLY was spotted Monday morning on 30M, but nothing heard here. A few hours later, he was again spotted, this time on 40M. I quickly checked the band, and there he was, simplex with a strong signal. After a few calls, he was logged for a new one on 40M (#221). KP2/NY6X was also worked […]

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FK8CP and YI9AJ on 40M CW, VR2XMT and XW1B on RTTY

Posted: December 27th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, RTTY, Soundclips.

Finally a few days off and some more time for radio. Conditions seemed fairly good on Thursday. The first one in the log was FK8CP Remi on 40M (#219) CW. Then I noticed XW1B was on RTTY on 20M, I was too late, but found VR2XMT Charlie instead and worked him for  a new one […]

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