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Archive for 'Hamradio'

GCMWIN 3.0.3

Posted: October 6th, 2008 under Hamradio, Software.

I happened to surf by SM3GSJ’s page a few days ago. Here I discovered that he has released a newer version of GcmWin. This is a great program for creating great circle maps of the world. You can also plot prefixes on the map, or create nice locator maps to keep track of your worked […]

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Quick LoTW confirmations and some DX hunting

Posted: October 5th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

After my last post about Botswana, I managed to work A25/DL7DF on 17M RTTY and 20M SSB. That’s a total of 7 QSO’es. Check the picture for the logsearch. Thank you very much to the team for a great operation. They gave me a total of 3 new band countries and 1 new mode country. […]

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KP5 (Desecheo) – Press Release

Posted: October 4th, 2008 under Dxpedition, Hamradio.

Looks like an expedition is getting closer! Here is a fresh press release: Press Release # 1—-Desecheo KP5—-2009 The Caribbean National Wildlife Refuge Complex has selected and announced a team of operators to activate Desecheo Island (KP5) sometime between January 15, 2009 and March 30, 2009. The Team will be co-led by Dr. Glenn Johnson, […]

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Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur

Posted: October 2nd, 2008 under Book, Hamradio.

The ARRL DXCC Blog posted an interesting article about an "Ethics and Operating Procedures for the Radio Amateur" booklet by John Devoldere, ON4UN. If you have been listening to the HF bands the last few years, there is no doubt that many people need to learn how to operate properly. The behaviour on the bands are not […]

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More Botswana QSO’es and WordPress theme modification

Posted: September 29th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, Homepage.

I did a little bit of DX’ing after work today. I got A25/DL7DF on 30M RTTY (new modecountry) and 40M (new country). Thanks for the expedition guys. You are doing a great job. The expedition homepage can be seen here. I also modified my WordPress theme to include gravatars in the comments.

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