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Archive for 'Hamradio'

Hunting some new countries on RTTY and doing some DX’ing

Posted: September 28th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio.

The first DX I got in the log yesterday morning, was KH7XS on 40M. This was a new state and country on 40M. I have seen him spotted several times on 40M earlier this week, but never had the chance to work him. He was quite strong, and I worked him quickly. I checked the […]

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MMTTY 1.66G released

Posted: September 27th, 2008 under Hamradio, Software.

As I was setting up N1MMLogger to try to catch some new countries on RTTY, I noticed that another update of MMTTY was issued. The official site now has info about the update AA6YQ released. Get the new version here: Thanks to JE3HHT and AA6YQ for making this new version possible! Makoto (Mako) has […]

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More DX’ing

Posted: September 25th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio.

I had some time before work today, so I turned on the radio and checked the cluster. A25/DL7DF was active. A2 is pretty rare for me. After a few calls, I managed to work them on 20M (for a new one) and 17M. I also made some CQ’s on 30M today as well. I worked […]

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Updates: Morserunner – LoTW – logsearch

Posted: September 24th, 2008 under Hamradio, Homepage, LoTW.

A few updates here and there today: LA9DFA has regained interest in hamradio after a while of absence. He improved his Morserunner score 3 times in a short period. The table on my page is updated. Logsearch has been updated with the latest LA8AJA qso’es. LoTW has been updated with the latest LA8AJA qso’es. Several tweaks […]

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DX’ing on 30M

Posted: September 23rd, 2008 under DX, Hamradio.

Yesterday I thought that I would try some CQ’s on 30M to see if I could attract any dx. I noticed this weekend that OJ0J was spotted by the US at around 12z, so I thought why not try myself. The band was pretty quiet, but after a few CQ’s, the first JA was in […]

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