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Archive for 'Propagation'

JW7QIA getting ready for CQWW with the northern lights

Posted: October 24th, 2012 under Hamradio, Pictures, Propagation.

Peter JW7QIA is once again qrv for this years CQWW. He sent me this picture from the beautiful northern lights they’re having in Svalbard right now. Thanks for the picture Peter!

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Big 6M aurora on September 27th

Posted: September 27th, 2011 under 6M, Hamradio, Pictures, Propagation.

After the recent activity on the sun, which shot the flux up to the highest point ever in solarcycle 24, we were bound to have an aurora. I checked 6M, but I couldn't really here too many stations on. I could hear Egil LA8AV working some stations. I took a break and came back later. […]

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New 6M antenna, and finally some 6M openings

Posted: June 7th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, Propagation, Soundclips.

Last weekend I finally put the final touches to my new antenna project. With big help from LA7HJA, we raised the tower in the evening on May 30th. I exchanged my old 4 element yagi on 6M for a much bigger 7 element M2 6M7JHV. It is now about 10-11M above ground. Conditions on the […]

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Working some old friends on aurora

Posted: October 12th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, Propagation.

Yesterday we had some aurora up here in Northern Europe. I don’t recall when I last worked aurora, but it was probably some time last year. Since I have most of the square around me worked, I don’t bother that much for aurora, but I noticed Per LA7DFA had been on 6M. I still need […]

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Spaceweather – new sunspots in Sunspot Cycle 24

Posted: September 23rd, 2008 under Hamradio, Propagation.

LA7SL sent me a mail with some good news yesterday. Finally new sunspots appearing. This is certainly great news for all radioamateurs. The higher bands has been quite dead way too long. Read the news below.   Space Weather News for Sept. 22, 2008 NEW SUNSPOT: For the first time in months, a significant […]

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