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March 2025


#324 on LoTW with NH0J

Posted: June 11th, 2014 under Hamradio, LoTW.

nh0j_qsl_front I got this one confirmed only a few days after my contact back in May. That was #324 on LoTW only. I guess it will be quite some time until I get my next new one confirmed on LoTW. They are getting harder and harder to come by.

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DX report from May and 6M opening up

Posted: June 8th, 2014 under 6M, Hamradio.

ox3lx On May 1st, I worked TZ6BB on 40M CW for a new one on 40M. The qso was confirmed that same evening on LoTW. Thank you Fernando. PJ7RV was worked on 15M CW for a new one on 15M.

On May 2nd, I worked TJ3SN on 12M CW. This one was quickly confirmed on LoTW. Hope to see you on 6M Nicolas.

On May 3rd, I worked F5KKD/p on 15M SSB from EU-070 for a new iota.

On May 6th, I worked Bo OX3LX on 17M and 30M CW from NA-134 for a new iota. PY7RP/6 was worked on 15M CW from SA-080 for a new iota.

On May 9th, I worked NH0J on 20M RTTY for a new one on RTTY. PJ5/K6NAO was worked on 17M CW for a new one on 17M.

On May 10th, I worked MX0INT on 20M CW from EU-109 for a new iota.

On May 13th, I worked YB5IR/5 on 30M CW from OC-107 for a new iota.

On May 15th, I worked YF1AR/6 on 20M SSB from OC-270 for a new iota.

On May 16th, I worked IS0BSR/IM0 on 6M SSB from JM48. That was a new gridsquare for me.

On May 17th, I worked YB4IR/5 on 17M CW from OC-106.

On May 18th, I worked FY/F5UOW on 12M CW from SA-020 for a new iota. YB4IR/5 was worked on 17M CW from OC-109 for a new iota.

On May 23rd, I worked IH9/IV3NVN on 6M CW from JM56 for a new gridsquare.

On May 25th, I worked YF1AR/5 on 15M SSB from OC-215. MJ0ASP/p was worked on 17M CW from EU-099. Both were new iota's.

On May 26th, I worked YB8RW/p on 15M SSB from OC-209 for a new iota.

On May 30th, I worked TM1INT on 15M CW and 20M SSB from EU-159 for a new iota. The Invoker Team gave me yet another new iota.

On May 31st, I worked TM1INT on 6M CW and 30M CW from EU-159. I had a 6M opening where I worked several stations from Ukraine and a new grid with KN67.

We have had a few 6M openings, but most of it has been to Europe. I haven't bothered working anything of it. On May 16th, I did copy A25GF for a few minutes. He faded before I could work him. On May 23rd I heard JY9FC weakly a few minutes. On May 25th, we had another 6M opening with several EA8 stations heard and some europeans. On May 31st, we had another opening, but not much of interest. I heard stations from SV5, GM, F, I, S5, G, SP, ES, HA, LZ, ER, EI, YO, SV1, OH, SV9, LY, OK and YL.

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DX report from April

Posted: May 26th, 2014 under Hamradio, LoTW, Soundclips.

vk9mt_front Wow, time flies way too fast these days. I'm not working much radio for the time being. Usually I'm chasing new islands or perhaps a new bandcountry here and there. Conditions has been up and down, and the 6M season has started again when I write this. Well, here is my report from April.

On April 3rd, I worked 9H5G/C6A on 12M SSB from NA-054 for a new iota. The qso was quickly confirmed via LoTW. VK9MT was worked on 20M CW for a new one on 20M.

On April 4th, I worked VK9MT on 17M CW, and it was a new one on 17M. Both VK9MT qsoes were confirmed on LoTW pretty quickly. The manager is M0URX, so I knew it would be a fast confirmation.

On April 5th, I worked 5J0X on 10M CW for a new one on 10M. This was confirmed quickly on LoTW. CW4R was worked on 10M SSB from SA-039 for a new iota.

On April 6th, I worked 9M2/R6AF/p on 40M CW from AS-046 for a new iota. He was easy to work on 40M CW, but I didn't manage to get him on 17M CW earlier that day. He had partial of my call, but signals were too weak.

On April 10th, I worked YB4IR/5 on 20M CW from OC-106 for a new iota.

On April 11th, I worked PJ4H on 30M CW for a new one on 30M. 7N2JZT/6 was worked on 12M CW from AS-024 for a new iota. JG8NQJ/JD1 was worked on 15M CW. ZL4PW was worked on 10M CW in the evening for a new one on 10M. I was quite surprised to hear his signal, and even more surprised that he could copy me.

On April 14th, I worked KH8/DL6JGN on 17M CW for a new one on 17M. YB4IR/5 was worked on 17M CW.

On April 15th, I worked JA8COE/6 on 20M CW from AS-067 for a new iota.

On April 16th, I worked A35X on 15M CW for a new one on 15M. A35V was worked on 20M CW.

On April 17th, I worked KH8/DL6JGN on 30M CW for a new one on 30M. JW7QIA was worked on 40M CW with heavy aurora-flutter.

On April 18th, I worked E20HHK/p on 15M CW from AS-145 for a new iota.

On April 19th, I worked KH8/DL6JGN on 30M CW again. He didn't have my call correct the first time. S79SD was worked on 15M cw for a new one on 15M. An LoTW confirmation came quickly for this one.

On April 25th, I worked 3D2RH on 17M CW for a new one on 17M.

On April 26th, I got 3 new iota's from Indonesia. I worked YB9/PB5X from OC-022 on 20M SSB. YB8RXA/p was worked on 15M SSB from OC-210. YC9WIC/p was worked on 20M SSB from OC-239.


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Iota #500 worked

Posted: April 14th, 2014 under DX, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

yb4ir_p_oc-204 It's been quite a few weeks since my last post. Life has been busy. I have worked some radio, but just haven't gotten around to writing about it. Conditions has been quite good on the higher bands, and I could probably have worked much more. Anyway, here is my report for the month of March.

On March 5th, I worked RA4HKM/0 on 12M CW from AS-025 for a new iota.

On March 9th, I worked 9L1A on 12M CW for a new one on 12M. P29NO from OC-034 was worked on 10M CW for a new one on 10M and a new iota. YS1/NP3J and V44KAI was also worked on 10M CW. KH6/VE7AHA was worked on 12M CW. CA7CAQ was worked on 10M SSB from SA-018 for a new iota.

On March 10th, I worked FK8DD on 12M CW for a new one on 12M. VP2ETE was worked on 10M SSB. WL7E was worked on 12M CW. C6ANM and FG5FR was worked on 10M CW.

On March 11th, I worked FK8DD on 10M CW. 4S7FRG was worked on 17M CW.

On March 12th, I worked 4S7DFG on 10M CW. 4S7FRG was worked on 12M and 15M CW, with 4S7 being a new one on 15M. JG8NQJ/JD1 was worked on 12M CW for a new one on 12M and on CW. That was only my second qso ever with Minami Torishima. P29NO was worked on 17M CW. V44KAI was worked on 15M CW. KH2L was worked on 30M CW for a new one on 30M. 9J2T was worked on 12M CW. YB4IR/p was worked on 30M CW from OC-204 for my iota #500!

On March 13th, I got 3W4DK on 30M from AS-132 for a new iota. HK0/UA4WHX was worked on 12M CW from NA-049 for a new iota and a new one on 12M.

On March 15th, I worked KH2/N2NL on 12M CW.

On March 16th, I worked WL7E on 17M CW. JQ6XXA was worked on 12M CW from AS-032 for a new iota.

On March 18th, I worked NI5DX/p on 10M SSB from NA-143 for a new iota.

On March 22nd, I worked JI5RPT/6 on 12M CW from AS-049 for a new iota. VY0/VE3VID was worked on 20M RTTY from NA-174 for a new iota.

On March 24th, I worked VP2V/SP9WZS on 10M CW for a new one on 10M. I worked HK0/UA4WHX on 17M and 15M CW. V44KAI was worked on 17M CW.

On March 27th, I worked TX6G on 30M, 20M and 17M CW, with 20M and 17M being new band for Austral. RT9K/p was worked on 20M CW and SSB from AS-089 for a new iota.

On March 29th, I worked FK8DD on 17M CW. Now I have FK8DD from 40 to 10. Thanks a lot Sam, and also thanks for my only FK confirmation on LoTW.

On March 30th, I worked JA5MOO/p on 10M CW from AS-023 for a new iota. TX6G was worked on 15M CW for a new one on 15M. I had to rework them, since my first qso did not show up in the online log. I think they logged me as LA9AJA. Something that has happened several times. This time it was ok.


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TM0SM EU-081 qsl in the mail

Posted: March 13th, 2014 under Hamradio, Iota.

tm0sm_eu081 . This was also a card I found in the scanner when I found the IJ7T card. This was a new iota for me and was requested via oqrs on Clublog

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