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#298 on LoTW with YK9A

Posted: December 15th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg What a nice surprise today. I got YK9A confirmed on LoTW. The contact was made back in 2001 on 20M RTTY. That makes #298 on LoTW only. Other nice confirmations has been EL2A on 10/15/20 CW, ZF2OE 12M RTTY, VP2MWG 15M CW, T32C contacts has started to show up, HQ5X 10M CW, ZK1EFD 17M CW South Cook from 2001 and lots of other contacts both LA8AJA and JW8AJA. I'll do another LoTW stats for both calls early next year.

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DX Soundclips in November 2011

Posted: December 5th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

soundwave Only a few soundclips in November. Radioactivity has been low. Enjoy.


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#297 on LoTW with SU9VB

Posted: November 23rd, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

su9vb_qsl As I wrote in my last post, I worked SU9VB on 30M. I got him confirmed on LoTW yesterday for #297 on LoTW. I've only worked 2 contacts since my last post. OH5LID was on yet another trip. This time it was in NAC 6M and I worked him from KP40 for a new grid on 6M. E51MAN Bill from North Cook, was worked on 30M CW for a new one on 30M. Hopefully Bill will upload his log to LoTW to give me a new one there.

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#296 on LoTW with ST0R

Posted: November 12th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

st0r_qsl_front After I requested my ST0R card via OQRS, my contacts were uploaded to LoTW and gave me #296 on LoTW. The card came in the mail a few days later.

I have worked a little dx since my last report.

October 23rd I worked TX7M on 30M CW and JW7XM on 10M SSB. Harald was very strong here and had a very big pile-up.

October 28th I worked TX7M on 40M SSB. PJ5/SP6EQZ and 3XY1D was worked on 12M CW. TU2T was worked on 10M CW. 8R1EA was worked on 10M SSB. ZF2OE, PJ5/SP6IXF and PJ4J was worked on 12M RTTY. All three were new on RTTY.

During CQWW SSB I listened a little on the bands. Conditions were the best in many many years. I didn't bother to work much in all the noise. Breaking pile-up's is very difficult with a vertical. I did however wake up in the middle of the night on October 30th. I checked the bands and 20M were very good. I had big signals from Hawaii and worked 4 stations. I worked 2 stations from Alaska. I also Worked C5A, E51Z, TX5A and JW5E. All had quite good signals. I worked 3XY1D on 10M CW. I worked ST2AR and A92GR on 10M SSB for 2 new ones on 10M.

On November 6th I worked WY7LL in WY on 12M SSB. PJ7NK was worked on 17M RTTY for a new one on RTTY. SU9VB was worked on 30M CW. 7Q7GM was worked on 40M CW.

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DX Soundclips in October 2011

Posted: November 6th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

soundwave Lots of DX this month and conditions has really picked up on the higher bands. Enjoy these recordings.


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