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JW8AJA 2011 recordings

Posted: March 20th, 2011 under Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.

Thanks to my friends Ulis K3LU, Morten LA9DFA and Rune LA7THA for these recordings of my signal from my last JW trip.


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#332 worked with 4A4A

Posted: March 16th, 2011 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.

4a4a_la8aja_logsearch This was really an all-time new one I didn't think I would work. I have been checking the band many times since the expedition started without hearing them. I heard them barely readable several days ago, then nothing until Sunday afternoon. They were on 17M CW and I could copy them quite well. I could however not break the pile-up.

Monday came and they were spotted on several bands. I just couldn't copy them, but  then they showed up on 15M CW. To my surprise, the signal was quite good. But a good signal doesn't help when all the idiots were making qrm on the frequency. One station were cq'ing dx over and over again on top of 4A4A. Luckily he took a break and I had a chance. After a few minutes they replied with my call and #332 were finally logged.


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6M aurora and DX

Posted: March 14th, 2011 under 6M, DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

4a4a_la8aja_path The sun has finally started to wake up again. But unfortunately, more sun activity, means more aurora up where I live. That means that the HF bands can pretty much black out for a little while and also make contacts to some parts of the world very difficult. 4A4A is active now from Revilla Gigedo and to work them, means that we need to beam 306 degrees from here and cross the outskirts of the aurora oval. I have yet to hear them with a decent signal. If I can't hear them, I can't work them. I don't like to admit it, but it seems like I'll miss this all-time new one.

Om March 4th I worked UK7AZ on 30M RTTY for #210 on RTTY. On March 7th I worked N1SNB/CY0 on 40M CW for a new one on 40 (#260 40M). On March 8th I worked 8P9NX on 30M for a new one on 30M (#274).

We had a small aurora on March 7th where I only worked 4 stations on 6M.

March 10th also had a nice aurora and 6M NAC. I only worked 2 contacts in this opening. I couldn't hear much new and I didn't have time to play around too much.

March 11th gave yet another aurora. TF3ML was calling on SSB. He wasn't quite as garbled as aurora usually is, but he peaked at 330 deg not 300 deg. I guess it was a mixture of aurora and auroral-e. I worked him easily. Totally I worked 14 stations in this opening and 7 of them were new stations. I also worked GI4OWA on aurora. That is only my second 6M aurora contact with GI and the last one was made in 2001 with GI0OTC. I worked TF, LA, GI, G, GM, DL, SM and OH in this opening. 


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6 new on LoTW with PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PJ7, VP8 and UK

Posted: March 12th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg 331 confirmed out of 331 worked is quite nice, and only 11 to go to have worked them all. Early March gave me 4 x PJ confirmed on LoTW with PJ2T, PJ4D, PJ5/K1XM and PJ7E. A few days later I got VP8ORK (South Orkney) also confirmed on LoTW. On March 4th, I worked UK7AZ on 30M RTTY. That was a new one on RTTY, and he is using LoTW. A few days later I got him confirmed on LoTW for #277 LoTW only. Thanks to all LoTW users. Keep the confirmations coming!

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3 new on LoTW with 5V7TT, ZL8X and EP3PK

Posted: February 24th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg A few nice surprises has shown up on LoTW. First I got 5V7TT on several bands. That was #269 on LoTW. The second one was ZL8X. I was very surprised to get them this fast, as I haven't sent for a card or anything. In fact I went and ordered the card via OQRS the past weekend. ZL8X gave me #270 on LoTW. The last one was EP3PK for #271.

Regarding radio, I haven't worked too much after the JW trip, but I have managed to log some DX. I got S9DX on 30M RTTY and CW. I got T30OU on 40M CW for a new one on 40M. T30YA was worked on 30M CW. TJ9PF was worked on 30M CW and RTTY and on 10M RTTY. VR2PX and ST2AR was worked on 15M RTTY.

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