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New bandplan for 40M from March 29 2009

Posted: December 10th, 2008 under Hamradio.

At the IARU Region 1 conference in Croatia they agreed on a new 40M bandplan. Several countries, including Norway, have had the opportunity to use a bandsegment from 7100kHz to 7200kHz on a secundary basis with 100W output power. From March 29 2009, the whole segment will be assigned on a primary basis with 1000W output power.

Here is the new bandplan: Click to continue

Comments: 4

#300 on CW with T88CJ on 30M

Posted: December 6th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

t88cj_t88ci.jpg Finally I reached 300 DXCC's on CW alone. The last country was worked on Monday with T88CJ on 30M (#235). I have been listening for them several times but signal has just been too weak. OH3SR/VP9 was also worked on 30M. On Tuesday I worked V31WA, PJ2/K8ND, PZ5RA  and FJ/WJ2O. All with good signals on 40M.


 I uploaded this weeks QSO'es on LoTW. I got two hits with A92GE and PJ2/K8ND. Thank you.

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CQWW CW from LN8W – report

Posted: December 3rd, 2008 under Contesting, Hamradio.

I joined the team at LA8W/LN8W in CQWW CW this year as well. I have done this since 2003. Only 4 operators this time with LA8AJA, LA9VDA, LB1GB and LB8IB participating in the M/S HP class. My most memorable moment was when KH7C called in on 160M right after we were spotted by K8AZ. Other memorable moments was when JA called in on their sunrise for a new double mult and USA calling in at their sunset at the same time on 160M. The pile-up from North-America on 40M was also fun. The 4-square really works well on that band.

Click below to see the claimed score: Click to continue

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A92GE on 30M, KH0AM, FS5DX and 9M6/N2BB on 40M

Posted: December 1st, 2008 under Contesting, DX, Hamradio, LoTW, Soundclips.

9m6_kh0_h44.jpg Here is last weeks DX-report. On Wednesday, A92GE David was worked on 30M (#234) with a nice and strong signal. I have worked him before on 17M and he is an LoTW user. Later that evening I got FS5DX on 40M (#215). On Friday I got KH0AM on 40M (#216). He had a big signal, but I had to call several times to be sure because EU qrm. Finally he sent my call 3 times and QSO. Tack, if you read this, I’m sorry for the calling, but now you know why. A few hours later HC2/SM6FKF was worked on 40M. 9M6/N2BB gave me another new one on 40M (#217). KP2/K3CT was worked on 30M. H44MY showed up on 40M with a strong signal, but I couldn’t break the pile-up. He was working lots of JA’s in the EU-opening and EU wouldn’t stop calling when he asked for stations. No DX was worked this weekend. I was operating from LN8W in Rakkestad in CQWW CW. A report will come later.

On LoTW I got YN2I confirmed on LoTW. That brings me to a total of 194 on LoTW alone. Others confirmed was TO8S on 30M and WH2D on 40M.


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Desecheo Island KP5 Press Release #2

Posted: November 27th, 2008 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio.

Here is the second press release for the KP5 expedition. This is exciting news indeed. The date is now set, so everybody, mark your calendar!

November 21, 2008:
Desecheo Island KP5 Press Release #2
The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service has notified the team that February 12-26, 2009, will be the dates allocated for the radio operation.  These dates are coordinated with other USFWS research activities scheduled on other parts of Desecheo Island as well as scheduling USFWS security personnel for the camp.

Fifteen operators will be allowed on the island at any given time.  A total of 6-8 stations will be operational, including 160-6 meters.

A reconnaissance trip to Desecheo is scheduled for Friday, December 19.  Three team members, USFWS personnel and an UXO (unexploded ordnance) expert will sweep and clear the assigned area of UXO and other hazards.  There will be no radio operation.

The 15-man team will assemble in Puerto Rico on February 8, 2009, for mandatory UXO training.  The next three days will include team operations training, and last minute preparation and staging of the several tons of equipment for transport.  On February 12th, landing will commence and two stations will be immediately activated.  Likewise, stations will continue to operate until the final moments before departure on February 26th.

Halfway through the operation, on February 19th, approximately half of the operating team will be replaced with fresh operators for the final week.

The team has been diligently planning antennas and propagation paths to take advantage of every possible band opening to Asia, where Desecheo is #2 on the Most Wanted List and to Europe, where it is #3 on the Most Wanted List.

Contributions are being solicited.  To assist us and for the latest news, please go to the team’s website:

Glenn Johnson, WØGJ
Bob Allphin, K4UEE
Desecheo 2009 co-leaders

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