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WordPress 2.6.5 Released, security fix and bug fix

Posted: November 26th, 2008 under Software.

A new WordPress version was released yesterday. it contains one security fix and three bug fixes. As always, an update is recommended.

Quote from

The security issue is an XSS exploit discovered by Jeremias Reith that fortunately only affects IP-based virtual servers running on Apache 2.x. If you are interested only in the security fix, copy wp-includes/feed.php and wp-includes/version.php from the 2.6.5 release package.

2.6.5 contains three other small fixes in addition to the XSS fix. The first prevents accidentally saving post meta information to a revision. The second prevents XML-RPC from fetching incorrect post types. The third adds some user ID sanitization during bulk delete requests. 

Get the new version here:

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SU9HP, Z29KM, 7P8BA and 2 new states on 30M

Posted: November 24th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio.

was.jpg DX might have been slow earlier this week, but it surely picked up during the weekend. Not much heard from H4 and 3D2 on 30M or 40M, I was hoping to get these in the log, but signals just weren’t there. I did work BA1RB on 30M on Saturday with a good signal. That was really it, so I decided to do some CQ’ing.

Since 30M is one of my favourite bands, I decided I wanted to try my luck. I started CQ’ing around 1340Z on Saturday. I was quckly answered by K1YRW in CT. Several stations followed, and I got spotted by N6QD in CA. A few minutes later, Hans SU9HP called in and gave me a new one on 30M (#231). I continued working stations, and was called by several loud stations from W6 and W7. Conditions was obviously very good and I ended up with 22 US stations in the log. I worked the following states: CT, AZ, MN, CO, CA, NJ, MO, MD, TX, OR, FL, and NH. MO was a new state on 30M (#39).

Sunday was a slow start, but I gave it a shot around 1350Z. I started cq’ing on 30M and got answered by N5ZC in TX. 12 US stations followed shortly and I worked the following states: TX, WI,  ME, CO, IA, MI,  NJ, AZ, IL, NH and MD. IA was a new state on 30M  (#40). Hopefully I’l get the other 10 soon. 2 VE station was logged as well.

Later in the evening on Sunday, I noticed Z29KM was active on 30M. I did hear him earlier this week, but couldn’t get through. Today I worked him very quickly and it was a new one on CW (#299) and on 30M (#232). A few minutes later, 7P8BA showed up much stronger than Friday, and I worked him quickly as well (#233). I must say the weekend ended quite nice.


  • BA1RB 30M CW – Nice signal from Beijing
  • Z29KM 30M CW – Nice signal tonight and a new one on 30M (#232) and CW (#299)
  • 7P8BA 30M CW – Yes, this time with a decent signal and a new one on 30M  (#233)

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5R8IC worked on 30M

Posted: November 22nd, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

madagaskar.gif DX is slow these days. The only thing new is 5R8IC on 30M (#230). I did try 9J2BO on 30M, but couldn’t get through, and shortly after, he went qrt. 7P8BA showed up on 30M last night, but he was mostly too weak, and he was running North-America. C91LW  was on at the same time with a better signal, I tried a few calls, but didn’t bother too much, since it wasn’t new. On Saturday, I was hoping for 3D2YA to increase in signal strength on 30M and 40M, but no such luck. He was right down in the noise. H44MY was on 40M, but too weak. I did hear VK4DX on 30M and gave him a few calls, but he went qrt.


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DX report from last week

Posted: November 19th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

xw1bmonstrir.jpg XW1B was on 40M with a BIG signal on Saturday. He just put up his new MonstrIR. I didn’t work him on 40M. I have the country, and he was running North-America. I made a soundclip of him. VP9KF gave me a new country on 20M (#268). Other DX worked was N5WBF in NM on 30M and W6PU in NM on 40M. A new state on both bands. W6PU is running a 10 element wire yagi fixed to EU. WH2D was worked on 40M. Mike K3UOC is stationed in Guam now. I worked him many times as 7Z5OO several years ago. On Sunday I worked XW1B with a nice signal on 30M (#228 30M). Later in the evening on Sunday, Nelson 4S7NE was on 30M. He was easily workable and yet another new one on 30M (#229 30M).


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Two new ones on LoTW – 6W and OH0

Posted: November 16th, 2008 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg I got a few pleasant surprises on LoTW during the week. I got two new countries confirmed and I’m closing in on 200 now with 193 confirmed. The new countries are OH0TA and 6W1/F5PHW. I also got JA6WFM/HR3 on 6M. And I got a few more bandpoints with ZC4ZM on 12M  and 40M. Thanks to all uploading the logs. I also uploaded my LoTW  log with what I worked during the week.

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