Posted: September 8th, 2008 under
Here I’l tell you about some of my favourite videos. Namely the Dxpedition videos that you can buy on I’ll list all of them down below.
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Posted: September 5th, 2008 under
I logged on to my account today and noticed several new confirmations. Among them were 10 qsoes with A61AJ. I also got LA1IARU which I myself activated for a few hours back in 1999. That makes my LoTW confirmed count 186.
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Posted: August 30th, 2008 under
Fresh from the printer. The 2007 DXCC Yearbook is now released. The book has interesting articles about the year’s DXing activities and the Clinton B. DeSoto Cup and DXCC Challenge standings. The publication is free of charge for recent participants in the DXCC program. Others can purchase the Yearbook by contacting the DXCC Branch
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Posted: August 29th, 2008 under
Seems MMTTY has been updated. Still can’t find anything on the official website, and the download is from DXLabs and not the official page. First read this on where LA6FJA posted it. Here are the release notes.
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Posted: August 25th, 2008 under
Yesterday I was made aware that Icom is coming out with a new rig. It’s called the IC-7600 and was spotted at Tokyo Hamfair 2008. Click read more for the known specs and a few pictures.
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