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DX Bulletin Reader 1.0 by VE3NEA

Posted: August 23rd, 2008 under Hamradio, Software.

I happened to surf by Alex, VE3NEA’s page today, and found that he released a new program. Now if only someone could publish older bulletins as downloadable archives. If you know about any archives, please let me know.

Downloadable zipped bulletinarchives:

  • 425DXNews archive is here.
  • DXNewsLetter archive is here.

Here is a short presentation taken from his page.

DX Bulletin Reader is a tool for viewing, archiving and searching the DX news bulletins. It is written by VE3NEA and can be found at

bullread.gif When the program displays a DX bulletin, it highlights all prefixes, callsigns, IOTA references and grid squares in different colors, and best of all, it highlights the items that are on your DXCC and IOTA Needed lists. Every highlighted item has a tooltip with extra information, such as IOTA group name and prefix, country of the callsign, and latitude/longitude of the Grid Square. If the optional databases are installed, even more information is shown on the tooltips, including the full name and address for the US and Canadian callsigns. The Find function performs full text search in all archived bulletins.

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DXPedition to KP5, Desecheo Island

Posted: August 21st, 2008 under Dxpedition, Hamradio.


I just read that KP5 will probably be qrv soon. That is one dxcc that I have never worked, so I very much look forward to it. Read the press release from W3UR below: Click to continue

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DXCC Rule removal

Posted: August 20th, 2008 under Hamradio.

Just read this on the ARRL DXCC Blog. I guess it’s because of the new logsearch software many of the latest expeditions have been using. See below to read the rule that was removed.

Click to continue

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More confirmations on LoTW

Posted: August 15th, 2008 under Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg Logged onto my account today, and found FH1LE confirmed on 40M. Thanks for a new one on that band. I had a bit of struggle to get him to get my call though. He had lots of qrn that night, but thanks for pulling me out. SV9GPV and JX/G7VJR is confirmed on 6M together with several of the stations I worked in the USA opening earlier this summer. Thanks to all LoTW-users.

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Today’s catch

Posted: August 13th, 2008 under Pictures.

Yet another nice sunset today.


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