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3 new on LoTW with VP8STI, VP8SGI and K5P

Posted: March 16th, 2016 under Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg These three confirmations didn’t really come as a big surprise. I knew they would come on LoTW. That makes a total of #331 confirmed on LoTW, which includes deleted. Of those I have worked, there are 7 that I have not confirmed on LoTW. And I only need 5 more countries to have worked them all.

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3 new ones worked with K5P, VP8STI and VP8SGI

Posted: March 4th, 2016 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.

vp8sgi_vp8sti When I look back, I see that my last radio report was 3 months ago. One of the reasons is that I didn’t work any contacts at all in December. And the first contact this year, wasn’t until January 18th.

I have also done a lot of stuff that hasn’t directly been related to radio. I did also change the look of this website a little bit. Most of you will probably not notice, because they are minor tweaks. I’ve been thinking about changing the look of the website for a long time, but I have never gotten around to it. The theme I’m using is quite old, and it is not responsive (scaling according to screen size) at all. I use a plugin to display a mobile version for those visiting with a smartphone. Time will tell if I ever get around to it. I also changed the look for Distplot and KMLmaker. I like the look much more now, and I have also fixed some bugs in the code.

Now it’s radio report time.

January 18th was a nice day with K5P in the log on 30M CW. That was an all time new one for me. The signal from them were not very good at all. They were using vertical antennas placed too far from the sea. With my vertical, it was quite a challenge. Geomagnetic activity didn’t help very much either, as the great circle path is 352 degrees from me, and crosses the aurorazone.

January 19th gave me ET7L on 15M RTTY. That was a new one on RTTY, and will also be a new one on LoTW for me. VP8STI was worked on 30M CW for my second all time new one this year. I missed the expedition back in 2002, so it was nice to get this one in the log. However, I did work VP8THU as JW8AJA in January 2002. That was the only DXCC I had from JW that I didn’t have from home.

On January 21st, I worked VP8STI on 40M CW for a new one on 40M.

On January 24th, I worked VE7ACN/7 on 20M CW from NA-091 for a new iota.

On January 30th, I worked VP8SGI on 17M CW for my third all time new one in 2016.

On February 1st, I worked ET7L on 12M CW. VP8SGI was worked on 12M CW for a new one on 12M.

On February 2nd, I worked VP8SGI on 40M CW for a new one on 40M.

On February 3rd, I worked VP8SGI on 30M CW for a new one on 30M.

On February 4th, I worked VP8SGI on 20M CW for a new one on 30M.

On February 14th I worked 7P8C on 12M, 15M and 30M CW. It was a new one on 15M for me. N0J (= KH0) was worked on 30M CW. CE0Y/W7YAQ was worked on 12M CW for a new one on 12M.

On February 15th, I worked C5DX on 10M CW. I didn’t realize it until the confirmation came on LoTW, but they were operating from iota AF-060. That meant a new iota in the log for me. 7P8C was worked on 10M CW for a new one on 10M. XW1IC was worked on 12M CW for a new one on 12M.

On February 17th, I worked PJ2/W9VA on 30M CW for a new one on 30M.

On February 25th, I worked 3XY1T on 15M CW from iota AF-051. That was a new one on 15M and a new iota for me.


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#328 on LoTW with K1B

Posted: February 4th, 2016 under LoTW.

k1b_qsl This confirmation for KH1 (Baker and Howland) surely came as a surprise. The contacts were made back in 2002 and they used the callsign K1B. It does however seem to me that only parts of the log was uploaded. Only my SSB contacts were confirmed, not the CW contacts. That might be because they had different manager for CW and SSB. Anyway, that was my #328 on LoTW. It only goes to show that sometimes you can expect the unexpected.

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LA8AJA LoTW stats in January 2016

Posted: January 19th, 2016 under Hamradio, LoTW.

I’ve gotten 4 more DXCC’s confirmed via LoTW since last time I reported. The total number of confirmations are up two percent compared to last year. I didn’t work too many contacts last year, but I did get 56% of those qsoes confirmed via LoTW, so that is not too bad. These numbers are from January 14th.

Yearly statistics:

Year # QSO’es # Confirmed %
1995 348 23 7 %
1996 1320 137 10 %
1997 3098 375 12 %
1998 1848 233 13 %
1999 2482 417 17 %
2000 2998 618 21 %
2001 1685 306 18 %
2002 585 95 16 %
2003 466 69 15 %
2004 44 14 32 %
2005 41 18 44 %
2006 216 87 40 %
2007 160 49 31 %
2008 444 185 42 %
2009 2021 956 47 %
2010 2056 1170 57 %
2011 1682 835 50 %
2012 1470 628 43 %
2013 651 413 63 %
2014 1454 679 47 %
2015 115 64 56 %
Total 25181 7363 29 %

Here are my band, mode and DXCC statistics:

Band/Mode Mixed Phone CW DIGI 160 80 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6 2
Confirmed 327 204 315 166 73 119 221 218 209 195 192 162 172 108 17

As always, keep the confirmations coming!

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JW8AJA LoTW stats January 2016

Posted: January 14th, 2016 under Hamradio, LoTW.

It’s once again that time of year again. Here are my stats for my JW8AJA call. These stats are from January 2nd 2016. I have 90 DXCC’s confirmed and still 49 states. I really need another trip to get Delaware confirmed on LoTW. The percentage is the same as last year, and 1 more DXCC total.

Yearly statistics:

Year # QSO’es # Confirmed %
2002 3651 994 27 %
2006 1521 616 40 %
2011 2605 1372 51 %
Total 7777 2982 38 %

Band/Mode statistics:

Band/Mode Mixed Phone CW DIGI 80 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6
Confirmed 90 49 74 40 9 48 37 77 26 25 29 21 1

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