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Not much going on

Posted: April 13th, 2008 under Hamradio, Homepage.

Things are kinda slow for the time being. No radioactivity, but am looking forward to some 6m openings again. Hopefully, by then I’ll have my 7 element up in the air. I do have to wait for all the snow to melt though.

LA9L lecture went well. That was my fourth lecture about OJ0LA. Maybe I inspired some guys to go on a trip, at least I hope so.

Yesterday I attended the big hammeeting here in Norway. Click here for link. I was the lucky guy talking about LA8W in the contest forum. The other guys have stage fright, so they nominated me. LA3Z and LA9Z were also presented. You can see a few pics and an article about the meeting here and here.

As a sidenote, I am looking into giving this website a new look with a php+mysql system, so it’s easier to maintain. I have no idea when that will happen, hopefully some time soon:) I’m also helping out my friends at LA3Z with a new page as well. Until next time .-.-. … -.-

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A small update

Posted: January 28th, 2008 under Hamradio.

Not much to update about really.

I joined the team at LA8W/LN8W again for the CQWW CW contest. Claimed score here.

I finally put up my BiggIR antenna. It was only used once before during the OJ0LA trip. It seemed to work well on 40 and 30, a little less effective on the higher bands, but conditions have been terrible. The bad thing is, I had to take it down early this year. The copperband curled up inside the box. Strange thing is, I haven’t read about anyone having this kind of trouble, but I know for a fact, that a few other LA’s have experienced the same thing.

Will hold a lecture about OJ0LA at LA9L in early February.

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Morserunner videoes

Posted: September 23rd, 2007 under Hamradio.

Today I noticed a post on the N1MMLogger mailing list. It was a video showing N1MM interfaced with Morserunner. You can see how it’s done here.

Here are a few Morserunner videos you can watch on youtube:
W0MM giving a short tour on Morserunner.
AC7FA running Morserunner.
LU3CT running Morserunner.
AC7FA logging Morse Runner with N1MM.

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SAC CW 2007 from LA8W

Posted: September 19th, 2007 under Hamradio.

I was operating SAC this weekend from LA8W. We were 3 operators this time, LB1GB, LB8IB and me (LA8AJA). Summary can be seen here.

Conditions were not good, and we’re all waiting for propagation to improve. I did manage to work 3B7C on 15/20/40 while at LA8W.

Check out the video from me working 3B7C on 20M and also a small video from SAC. Thanks to LB1GB for the video.

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Posted: August 13th, 2007 under Hamradio.

Worked a few qsoes in the perseids. This resulted in a few new squares and one new dxcc. I worked France for the first time on 2m. I also made my first 2m eme qso from home. KB8RQ were spotted and had a nice signal here. Take a look here to see his big antenna. It consists of 24×13 elements. I was using only 2x9el and 170watts.

6M is not much to talk about. Band during late summer hasn’t been in a very good shape. The only thing worth mentioning, is that J79PAK was heard by me and several other LA’s. As far as I know, no LA’s managed to work him.

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