6M aurora April 6th
Posted: April 7th, 2011 under 6M, Hamradio.
When I got home yesterday, I turned on the radio. 5M2TT was on 10M with a good signal. Since I need EL on 10M, I started calling. I couldn't get through, but I did check the pile-up and heard several stations on aurora. I checked the cluster on 6M and I noticed that several people were spotted on aurora. I also did see two new grids active with LA4VGA in JP43 and LB1AF in JP64.
LB1AF in JP64 was worked on SSB aurora for a new grid. After our contact, I went to CW and started calling. One station after another went into my log and 2 hours later I had worked 42 stations in LA, PA, OH, SM, OZ, OY, YL, LY, SP, DL and GM. 16 of the stations I worked, were new stations to me and that's always nice. I didn't get JP43, so I hope he'll be around in another aurora.
As a sidenote, I worked SV2ASP/A on 12M RTTY before I went to 6M. That was a new one on 12M and RTTY.
Comments: 2
May 13, 2011
Hello. This will be written in norwegian.
Googlet litt rundt, og kom innom siden din.
Er QRV fra JP43TR, men er oftest på HF båndene.
Skvetter litt til når auroran kommer krypende, så det blir vel en mulighet for deg for JP43 grid’n. på 6m 🙂
Har kun en deltaloop på mønet på 6m, men det funker vel.
73 de Børge/LA4VGA
May 14, 2011
Hei Børge.
Takk for at du stakk innom. Det er alltid litt gøy med aurora, men det er lite nytt å høre, så det var litt artig å se at du var qrv fra JP43. En deltaloop kan fungere det, men det avhenger av hvor mye støy du har. Hvis auroraen er sterk nok, så skal du ikke se bort i fra at vi får en kontakt en dag.
God dx, 73 de Andreas.