#152 on 6M with TY2AC in the log
Posted: July 7th, 2018 under 6M, Soundclips.
This was a contact I’ve been waiting on for years. TY2AC is quite active on 6M, but I always miss the openings. I know several LA’s have worked him on 6M, but I have not been home when many of those openings have occured. On one occation, I was working USA on 6M, and I was not listening to the south. I did hear TY2AC weakly, but not enough for a contact a few days prior to the contact. On May 26th, it was finally time. I was listening on his frequency for a while, and suddenly I started to hear him on 6M CW. After calling a few times, Nicolas came back to me, giving me #152 in the log on 6M.
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