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Archive for '6M'

Radio summary 2021

Posted: December 2nd, 2022 under 6M, Hamradio, Iota.

This page has been seriously neglected for several years. I would like to do something about that, but as I’m not really working too much radio, I would need to write about some other stuff that I’m doing as well. I’ve been doing a lot of programming, and I’ve been contributing to open source software. […]

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Radio summary for 2020

Posted: April 5th, 2021 under 6M, Hamradio.

As promised, here is the summary from last year: I worked 6 new countries on 6m last year. I did hear YB, 4S7 and VR2, but I never managed to work them. We also had several amazing openings to the far east. I didn’t work all the openings, but I did have the radio on […]

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#156 on 6M with J69DS in the log

Posted: September 23rd, 2018 under 6M, Hamradio.

On July 21st, I worked Z68M and Z66X on 6M FT8. A few minutes later, I worked Z68M on 6M SSB. I knew that Z6 would be pretty easy from here once they were allowed on 6M. This was in the morning, later the band opened to North-America. I worked one station from USA. The […]

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#154 and #155 on 6M with Z68M and 3A/EA6SX in the log

Posted: August 3rd, 2018 under 6M, DX, Hamradio.

After working two new ones on 6M, I didn’t really have my hopes very high for this season. New countries are difficult to come by, but suddenly they show up. So here is another dx report from me. On July 3rd, I managed to get KH1/KH7Z on 20M CW. I didn’t really think I would […]

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#153 on 6M with PZ5RA in the log

Posted: July 22nd, 2018 under 6M, DX, Hamradio.

By now the 6M band has been open several days. Here is a short list of some of the highlights of what I worked in June. On June 2nd, I worked UN3M on 6M FT8. On June 3rd, I was surprised to suddenly see PZ5RA running on 6M FT8. I gave him a call and […]

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