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February 2025


Archive for 'DX'

TX4T new on 40M and high bands opening up

Posted: February 14th, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

I worked TX4T Wednesday morning on 40M CW. The signal was not bad at all, but he was working USA/JA/VK/EU at the same time. After a little while in the pile-up, I managed to get through and it was a new one on 40M (#248). That was my first qso in a month. Radio activity […]

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FJ/VE3EY recordings of LA8AJA on 20M and 17M CW

Posted: February 7th, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

VE3EY Nick was so kind to visit my homepage and leave a note in my guestbook here a few weeks ago. He found my soundclip of our 20M QSO. It turns out that Nick had recorded me too. Listen below on how I sounded in the other end of the pile-up. If you want to […]

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#244 on LoTW with VK9XX on 30M RTTY

Posted: January 11th, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

What a pleasant surprise when I logged on to LoTW today. VK9XX had uploaded the log and gave me another country on LoTW (#244). I'm closing in on 250 now. The postage rates increased in Norway from January 1st 2010, as if the rates weren't high enough. That makes me even happier that more and […]

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#240 and #241 on LoTW with 4L0A and 9M2CNC

Posted: December 11th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

4L0A on 40M SSB was #240 on LoTW. 9L7NS on 20M CW was a nice surprise. I worked Ned a few days before CQWW. I did see 9M2CNC spotted on 40M during CQWW, but I never got him. I wasn't on when he was on. However I got 9M2CNC on 30M CW November 30th. He […]

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R1ANB called me on 30M

Posted: December 7th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

On November 26th, I was listening around on 30M, but I didn't hear too much activity. It was right around my sunset here, so I thought I would give a few cq calls. The first station to answer my call was W1IMA Bob in MA. Right after that, R1ANB Nick from the Mirny base down […]

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