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Archive for 'LoTW'

#247 and #248 on LoTW with A31A and TX5SPM

Posted: March 17th, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, Soundclips.

I was quite surprised to get two new ones on LoTW so quickly after the last few. A31A uploaded their log and gave me #247 and TX5SPM did that as well and gave me #248. Among other confirmations are TX5SPA and TY5LEO. Thanks for getting on LoTW! I finally turned on the radio again on […]

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#245 and #246 on LoTW with K4M and T70A

Posted: March 6th, 2010 under Hamradio, LoTW.

I got two new ones on LoTW recently. The first was Midway with K4M (#245) and the second was San Marino with T70A (#246). Other nice confirmations were the recent expedition to French Polynesia TX4T and OX3XR who I worked on 12M not long ago. XR0Y Easter Island has also uploaded the logs and gave […]

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LoTW stats for LA8AJA in January 2010

Posted: January 24th, 2010 under Hamradio, LoTW.

We're almost a month into the new year, and I thought I would make an updated LoTW stats. Below you can see the current numbers. The last year has brought lots of confirmations, and a nearly 32% hit in 2009 is quite good. I have also concentrated more on working LoTW users the past year, […]

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#244 on LoTW with VK9XX on 30M RTTY

Posted: January 11th, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

What a pleasant surprise when I logged on to LoTW today. VK9XX had uploaded the log and gave me another country on LoTW (#244). I'm closing in on 250 now. The postage rates increased in Norway from January 1st 2010, as if the rates weren't high enough. That makes me even happier that more and […]

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#242 and #243 on LoTW with YS4U and EA6IB

Posted: December 22nd, 2009 under Hamradio, LoTW.

Last week I got two new ones confirmed on LoTW. The first was YS4U (#242 LoTW) who I worked on 20M CW and the second one was EA6IB (#243 LoTW) on 40M CW, both in CQWW CW. I have had a few days off from work and have had some time to play with radio. […]

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