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October 2024


Archive for 'Hamradio'

6M aurora on July 16th

Posted: October 22nd, 2017 under Hamradio.

This was quite a good aurora, and it started early in the day. My first qso was worked at 1253z. The last qso was worked at 1537z. I worked a total of 48 qsoes, and many stations were new in my log. Usually I work quite a lot of dupes during these opening, but this time […]

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#151 worked on 6M with XE2CQ

Posted: October 17th, 2017 under 6M, Hamradio.

It was July 4th. I was out cutting the gras. When I was finished, I had gotten a message from LA7QIA wondering if he should be home now. As I had been outside, I didn’t really understand what he meant. I started checking things and noticed LA-stations were reporting hearing stations from the west coast […]

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#150 worked on 6M with PJ7/W9DR in the log

Posted: August 13th, 2017 under 6M, Hamradio.

Radio started very slow this year. My first qso was with my friend K3LU. I worked Ulis on 20M CW on January 1st. He had a great signal, and it was nice to work him again. On January 31st, I worked TU5MH on 40M and 30M CW. That was a new country on both bands. […]

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#332 on LoTW with 5A1A(L)

Posted: May 23rd, 2017 under Hamradio, LoTW.

Last year, 5A1AL was approved for DXCC. Since I did not have 5A confirmed on LoTW, I managed to work him on 30M CW. He did also get a manager, W5UE, who had an OQRS system set up. I requested confirmation for the 30M QSO, and e-mailed him to get all my old 5A1A contacts […]

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JW8AJA LoTW stats for 2017

Posted: February 7th, 2017 under Hamradio, LoTW.

Here are my stats for my JW8AJA call. These stats are from February 6th, 2017. I have 91 DXCC’s confirmed and still 49 states. I really need another trip to get Delaware confirmed on LoTW. The percentage is up 1% since last year, and 1 more DXCC total. Yearly statistics: Year # QSO’es # Confirmed % 2002 […]

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