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February 2025


Archive for 'Hamradio'

Jim Smith – VK9NS – SK

Posted: February 12th, 2009 under Hamradio.

It is sad to hear this news indeed. I never had the pleasure working Jim from home, but I did work him once from A52JS. Jim activated many new and rare countries in his ham-career and also worked all the countries on SSB, Mixed and only missing one on CW. Jim was also inducted into […]

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DxbPSK modification by WA6AXE

Posted: February 10th, 2009 under Hamradio, Software.

A few weeks ago, I reported about AXETTY. This time I’m looking at another program by WA6AXE. It’s a modification of the original DxbPSK that comes with DXBase 2007. The difference between this version and the original, is that it is now capable of PSK63 and PSK125 as well, not only PSK31. You also have […]

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Desecheo 2009 Press Release # 5

Posted: February 7th, 2009 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio.

February 6, 2009 Desecheo 2009 Press Release # 5 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today several team members leave their homes and start their journey to Desecheo via Puerto Rico. The entire fifteen-man team will assemble by Saturday evening in San Juan. Sunday morning will be devoted to the required UXO (unexploded ordnance) training and afterward the […]

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H44, FW and VQ9 on 40M, A7 on 80M and lots on 160M

Posted: February 3rd, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW, Soundclips.

This will be a summary for the last weeks. Not much radio lately except the 160M CQWW Contest. January 13th I worked TS7C on 30M CW. January 18th I worked H44MS on 40M SSB for a new one on 40M (#224). He was quite easy to work, because he showed up above 7100KHz. Last weekend […]

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DX Stories by Paul M. Dunphy, VE1DX

Posted: January 31st, 2009 under DX, Hamradio.

Many years ago I stumbled upon DX Stories. The original old stories were written by WA6AUD. Later VE1DX picked up where he left and continued to write stories. These stories have a humorous twist on the life of DX’ers. In the stories, you have the local QRPers who wonder about everything that has to do […]

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