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March 2025


Archive for 'Iota'

3 new iota’s and 1 new on CW worked

Posted: December 16th, 2014 under DX, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

I’ve barely worked any radio since my last report here. Things has been quite busy, and I haven’t really felt like working too much radio. I didn’t work anything in CQWW CW or SSB at all. On October 31st I worked W1AW/7 in WY on 20M and 17M CW. That was the last state I […]

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Iota #500 worked

Posted: April 14th, 2014 under DX, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

It's been quite a few weeks since my last post. Life has been busy. I have worked some radio, but just haven't gotten around to writing about it. Conditions has been quite good on the higher bands, and I could probably have worked much more. Anyway, here is my report for the month of March. […]

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TM0SM EU-081 qsl in the mail

Posted: March 13th, 2014 under Hamradio, Iota.

. This was also a card I found in the scanner when I found the IJ7T card. This was a new iota for me and was requested via oqrs on Clublog

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IJ7T iota EU-073 qsl in the mail

Posted: March 10th, 2014 under Hamradio, Iota.

I got this qsl some time back in 2013, but found the card in the scanner while scanning PJ8/DL5LYM. I checked and couldn't find that I had posted it. Anyway, this was a new iota for me, and I requested the card via oqrs on Clublog.

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7 new iota’s worked

Posted: February 8th, 2014 under Hamradio, Iota, LoTW, Soundclips.

Since my last report in early December, I have only made a few contacts. Here is a short report. On December 20th I worked CE9/UA4WHX on 40M CW from SA-050 for a new iota. On December 23rd I worked HD2RAE on 80M CW for a new one on 80m. YB4IR/8 was worked on 30M CW […]

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