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KMLmaker by LA8AJA

Posted: January 7th, 2016 under Software.

kml_maker_example As I mentioned in a previous post, I have done some php-programming for my own amusement. KMLmaker is one of the things I have made. It’s nothing new or revolutionary, but it’s just my implementation of it.

It is a page that takes your adif-file for input. It then extracts all the contacts on the band you specify. If you have specified a maidenhead locator in the contact, the program will then use that to calculate the geographical position of the contact and then draw a line between that point and your homeqth. The program will make a kml-file for use in Google Earth to display your contacts. You can also specify a date-range if you wish.

Hamradio Deluxe has this function implemented, but I do not use this program, and I don’t want to have a demo-version installed just for this purpose. This is more or less the same function, but tweaked a little bit to my liking.

You can find KMLmaker here:

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Happy New Year to all!

Posted: January 2nd, 2016 under Hamradio.

fireworks I wish everyone a Happy New Year 2016. Hopefully the year will be a good one radiowise with lots of rare dx in the log!

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V73D and S79C worked for two new iota’s

Posted: December 8th, 2015 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

v73d_qsl On October 22nd, I worked V73D on 30M CW. I had tried on several occasions before, both in the morning and in the afternoon. They had a good signal several times, but they weren’t paying attention to Europe when they could have worked many. Anyway, I got them in the log and OC-029 was a new iota for me and a new country on 30M.

On October 24th, I worked V73D on 20M CW.

On October 25th, I worked V73D on 17M CW for a new one on 17M.

On November 6th, I worked 3W3MD on 15M CW. I thought they were on an iota, but unfortunately, they weren’t on the iota at this time. I missed the activation from 3W3MD/p from AS-162.

On November 21st, I worked S79C on 15M SSB from AF-119 for a new iota. They went qrt the day after, so I was lucky to get them in the log, as I didn’t pay attention to them earlier that week.

On November 27th, I worked PJ2/PA3EYC on 17M CW for a new one on 17M. C6AUM was worked on 15M RTTY for a new one on RTTY. Both stations uploaded the log to LoTW within 24hours.


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Posted: November 5th, 2015 under Hamradio, Software.

distplot_la8aja_example Example of the distance plotter made by LA8AJAThis idea came into life after a discussion I had with LA8HGA about skip-distance on 6M and the doughnut-effect. Why not take our own log for 6M and check the distances worked. The first version was quickly programmed, but the picture was only a static one, and you had to specify a lot more parameters than I would like. The second version uses a javascript framework to display the graphs with the ability to zoom and see only a specific interval.

You can upload your adif-file. It then checks the qso for specified band and if a maidenhead locator is specified. It then builds an array and plots a graph. Go here to try it out:

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Iota #600 in the log

Posted: October 19th, 2015 under Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

vy0m_na_248_melville_isl Ok, so I haven’t had much time for preparing the php-stuff I mentioned in my last post, so I’ll just post a small radio report.

On August 2nd, I worked VY0/VE3LYC on 20M CW from NA-009. He had a nice and solid signal, and it was a new iota in the log.

On August 3rd, I worked RA1ALA/1 on 20M SSB from EU-086. That was another new iota in the log.

On August 5th, I worked VY0M on 20M SSB from NA-248. The signal was so marginal for me, that I was a bit unsure he got my call correctly.

On August 6th, I worked VY0M on 20M CW. This time, the signal was much stronger, and he was quite easy to work. This time I was sure that he got me correctly in the log. Yet another new iota in the log for me.

On September 1st, I worked RT9K/0 on 30M CW from AS-203. The signal was quite good, and I was surprised at the signal when I looked at where the island was.

On September 4th, I worked 3B8CF on 15M CW. I was listening for another station that I could not hear, when 3B8 popped up.

On September 5th, I worked SV8/IZ4JMA on 20M CW from EU-113. I had been listening for him for several days, but either I could not hear him, or the signal was just too low. Anyway, a new iota in the log for me.

On September 6th, I worked YB8RW/5 on 20M CW from OC-106.

On September 14th, I worked YB5RW/5 on 20M CW from OC-108 for a new iota. I also worked MS0OXE on 20M CW and 40M SSB from EU-012. I did not have the iota confirmed, so I gave them a call. The manager is M0URX, so the qsl is sure.

On September 18th, I worked RI0QV/p on 30M CW from AS-029 for a new iota.

On September 29th, I worked RI0KV on 30M CW from AS-027 for yet another iota.

That was 8 new iota’s since my last report. I also passed 600 iota’s worked, and am currently at 601 in the log. Still, I’m only at about halfway in working all the iota’s.

I read some very exciting iota news the other. Paperless confirmations for iota are coming. Read the news here.


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