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K1N Navassa worked for #335

Posted: February 22nd, 2015 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.

k1n_team Finally an all-time new one on the air. They are rare these days for me. I only need 9 total to have worked them all. Navassa K1N started the operation on February 1st. I heard them on 40M very early Monday morning with quite a nice signal. I did not bother to call them, as the pile-up was quite big. During the week, I have heard them on several bands, but the pile-up’s has just been way to big for me. On February 5th, I was up quite early, and they were on 40M CW with a great signal. The pile-up was big, but as they had quite a nice and strong signal, I went for it. I found the listening frequency several times, but I didn’t have a strong enough signal to get myself heard over the pile-up. After maybe 45minutes or so in the pile-up, the operator came back with LA? I sent my call again, and #335 was in the log. Hopefully I can get them on a few others bands and modes before they leave.

Here is a short DX report since my last post.

On December 29th, I worked YB4IR/8 on 20M CW from OC-224 for a new iota.

On January 10th, I worked C98RF on 30M CW from AF-061 for a new iota. That was also my first qso in 2015.

On January 24th, I worked EP6T on 12M SSB from AS-166 for a new iota.

On January 27th, I worked HH5/KC0W on 40M CW for a new one on 40M.

On February 2nd, I worked HH5/KC0W on 80M CW for a new one on 80m.

On February 8th, I worked K1N on 20M CW. He had a very smal pile-up at this time. OX3LX Bo showed up on 15M CW from NA-220. I logged him for a new iota. A few hours later I got K1N on 12M CW.


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LA8AJA LoTW stats in January 2015

Posted: January 28th, 2015 under Hamradio, LoTW.

I’ve gotten 4 more DXCC’s confirmed via LoTW since last time I reported. The total number of confirmations are up two percent compared to last year.

Yearly statistics:

Year # QSO’es # Confirmed %
1995 348 23 7 %
1996 1320 127 10 %
1997 3098 366 12 %
1998 1848 220 12 %
1999 2482 405 16 %
2000 2998 594 20 %
2001 1685 300 18 %
2002 585 93 16 %
2003 466 66 14 %
2004 44 14 32 %
2005 41 18 44 %
2006 216 86 40 %
2007 160 49 31 %
2008 444 182 41 %
2009 2021 932 46 %
2010 2056 1150 56 %
2011 1682 925 49 %
2012 1470 607 41 %
2013 651 399 61 %
2014 1454 625 43 %
Total 25069 7081 28 %

Here are my band, mode and DXCC statistics:

Band/Mode Mixed Phone CW DIGI 160 80 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6 2
Confirmed 324 199 312 166 73 117 220 216 205 187 187 154 168 103 17

As always, keep the confirmations coming!

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JW8AJA LoTW stats January 2015

Posted: January 21st, 2015 under Hamradio, LoTW.

It’s that time of year again. Here are my stats for my JW8AJA call. These stats are from January 21st 2015. I have 89 DXCC’s confirmed and still only 49 states. That’s one more DXCC up from last year. Total confirmations are up 2% from last year. That’s quite a good increase, considering I haven’t been qrv with this call since 2011.

Yearly statistics:

Year # QSO’es # Confirmed %
2002 3651 975 27 %
2006 1521 606 40 %
2011 2605 1341 51 %
Total 7777 2922 38 %

Band/Mode statistics:

Band/Mode Mixed Phone CW DIGI 80 40 30 20 17 15 12 10 6
Confirmed 89 49 73 40 9 48 37 76 26 25 28 21 1

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Happy new year everyone

Posted: January 1st, 2015 under Hamradio.

fireworks I wish everyone a Happy New Year 2015. Let’s hope our logs will be filled with lots of DX this year.

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3 new iota’s and 1 new on CW worked

Posted: December 16th, 2014 under DX, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

kc4usv_qsl I’ve barely worked any radio since my last report here. Things has been quite busy, and I haven’t really felt like working too much radio. I didn’t work anything in CQWW CW or SSB at all.

On October 31st I worked W1AW/7 in WY on 20M and 17M CW. That was the last state I needed on CW for LoTW.

On November 1st I worked W1AW/7 on 12M and 15M CW. I think the 15M qso must be busted since the three others showed up on LoTW.

On November 2nd I worked HH2/PY3SB on 10M CW for a new one on 10M.

On November 4th I worked FT4TA on 30M CW from Tromelin. That was a new one on CW and 30M. That was also my only qso with this expedition. The pile-up’s were BIG, the split was even bigger and the lids were all over the place. I just didn’t feel like wasting hours and hours in the pile-up. The qso I made, was worked in just a few calls. I was there before he was spotted on the cluster, and quickly found the split.

On November 6th I worked VU4CB on 15M CW from AS-033 for a new iota. The pile-up wasn’t big and I worked him quickly. I guess most people were chasing FT4TA down the band.

On December 4th I worked S01WS on 10M CW for a new one on 10M. A63DI was worked on 30M from AS-021 for a new iota.

On December 9th, I was alerted that KC4USV was on 20M CW from iota AN-011. I tuned in and he was there with a fluttery signal. The pile-up wasn’t too big, so I got him after a few calls for a new iota.

On December 10th, I worked J6/SM7EQL on 10M CW.

On December 11th, I worked S01WS on 12M CW for a new one on 12M.

On December 13th, I worked S01WS on 80M CW early in the morning. I later read that they put up a dipole on December 10th. I was quite lucky for, and it was a new one on 80M. A few hours later, I got S01WS on 15M SSB for a new one on 15M.


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