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March 2025


IJ7T iota EU-073 qsl in the mail

Posted: March 10th, 2014 under Hamradio, Iota.

ij7t_eu073 I got this qsl some time back in 2013, but found the card in the scanner while scanning PJ8/DL5LYM. I checked and couldn't find that I had posted it. Anyway, this was a new iota for me, and I requested the card via oqrs on Clublog.

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#323 on LoTW with 7X2GK

Posted: March 7th, 2014 under Hamradio, LoTW.

7x2gk_qsl As I was checking out which countries I needed on LoTW, I was a bit surprised to see that I needed Algeria. I checked my log to see that I had only worked 21 qsoes with 7X, and the most recent one was with an iota expedition last year.

I went to HB9BZA's excellent LoTW userlist to find LoTW-users from Algeria. It dawned on my why I didn't have it confirmed. I could only find 4 stations that had their log uploaded to LoTW. One of them was 7X5JF, a station I have in the log, but way back in 1997.

I set an email-alarm for 7X5JF and 7X2GK, which did quickly lead to a qso with 7X2GK on February 28th. The following day, I got the qso confirmed on LoTW for #323 on LoTW. I found out that the manager was IK2DUW, and know from experience that he is quick to upload the logs for the stations he manage. Thank you very much for the confirmation!

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#322 on LoTW with PJ8/DL5LYM

Posted: March 4th, 2014 under Hamradio, LoTW.

pj8_dl5lym A few weeks ago, I went through my log to find out which DXCC's I had worked, but were not confirmed on LoTW. I found out that one of the needed ones were PJ8, which is now a deleted entity.

My hopes for getting it confirmed on LoTW were slim as my log only contains 10 qsoes with PJ8, and the last one was back in 2010. This entity was deleted in back in 2010. To my big surprise, on February 25th, I noticed that PJ8/DL5LYM uploaded his log from our qso back in 1997. That was #322 on LoTW. Only 12 more to go to get all my worked ones confirmed on LoTW.

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6 slots with FT5ZM and some other dx

Posted: February 28th, 2014 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.

ft5zm_amsterdam The big expedition in January/February this year was FT5ZM Amsterdam Island. As this was not a new one for me, I did not spend much time in the pile-up the first week.

My first qso with FT5ZM was made on February 2nd on 12M CW followed by 10M CW a few minutes later.

On February 5th, I worked FT5ZM on 15M CW. VK5MAV/p was worked on 20M CW from iota OC-139 for a new iota.

On February 6th I worked WA2USA/4 on 12M CW from NA-085 for a new iota. A few minutes later, I managed to work S9TF also on 12M CW from AF-044 for a new iota. YB4IR/8 was worked on 30M CW from OC-145 for my third new iota that day.

On February 8th I worked 5H1Z/3 on 17M CW from AF-054 for a new iota. FT5ZM was worked on 30M and 40M CW.

On February 9th I worked TO7CC on 15M and 17M CW. FT5ZM was worked on 17M CW. I worked FT5ZM again on 30M CW, since the first contact did not show in the online log.

On February 11th I worked PJ5/N5WR on 20M CW for a new one on 20M.

On February 12th I worked CE0Z/UA4WHX on 30M CW.

On February 23rd I worked CW5F on 12M CW from SA-057 for a new iota.


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#321 on LoTW with TO7CC (Reunion)

Posted: February 26th, 2014 under Hamradio, LoTW.

Vers Le Tremblet, Saint-Philippe I need to pay more attention to the different activations and callsigns being used on expeditions. I know I needed FR (Reunion) on LoTW, but I was not aware that TO7CC was Reunion. Luckily I discovered this before they were qrt. On February 9th I managed to work them on 15M and 17M CW. On February 10th they were confirmed on LoTW. That's very impressive if you ask me. They are still on expedition and upload the log to LoTW. Anyway, that was #321 on LoTW. Thank you very much!

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