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Site update

Posted: May 1st, 2013 under Homepage.

Hi to all my readers. I've done a few changes on this page during the last few days:

  • Removed yahoo player for the mp3 files. I changed it to a html5 player instead, which is better for devices that does not support flash.
  • Added WPtouch plugin for mobile devices. Visitors will then get a mobile optimized theme.
  • Made some small cosmetic changes to the theme.
  • Migrated over to TablePress from WP-Table Reloaded.
  • Changed the "About me" page-structure and removed some old pages.

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#313 on LoTW with T46RRC

Posted: April 27th, 2013 under Hamradio, LoTW.

t46rrc A few weeks back, I got #313 on LoTW with T46RRC. It was no big surprise as they said on their wegpage that they would upload the log. Thanks a lot for confirming Cuba on LoTW. That was also #300 on CW on LoTW. You can see the qslcard which I got in the mail a few days ago.

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Third DX report in 2013

Posted: April 21st, 2013 under Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.

tx5k_la8aja Here is my long overdue third dx report in 2013. These contacts are all from last month.

The big expedition of March was TX5K Clipperton. Many people worked them as a new one. I had FO0AAA from back in 2000, so I wasn't too stressed about getting them in the log.

I managed 7 HF slots with TX5K. 40/30/20/15/12 CW, 40M SSB and 30M RTTY.

I worked J5UAP on 17M CW on March 1st and 30M CW on March 9th.

H44G was worked on 20M CW on March 9th and 17M CW on March 10th.Both were new bandcountries.

9X0NH was worked on March 11th on 17M CW for a new one on 17M.

9M4SLL Spratly was worked on 17M CW on March 13th.

T88TF was worked on 30M CW on March 13th.

On March 14th I worked Fred KH7Y on 15M CW, H44G on 12M CW and 9K2F AS118 on 15M SSB for a new iota. HR2/NP3J, VR2CM and PJ2/PA0VDV was worked on 12M CW.

On March 22nd I worked ZP6CW, FS/UA4CC, ZF2LC and 4O7TC on 30M CW.

On March 24th I worked OA1F on 40M CW and XR0YG on 30M CW. TK0INT EU100 was worked on 30M CW for a new iota.

On March 27th, I worked TK2INT EU164 on 17M CW for a new iota. J5UAP was worked on 20M CW for a new one on 20M.


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#311 and #312 on LoTW with H44KW and 3D2RX

Posted: March 13th, 2013 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg These two confirmations didn't come as a big surprise. I hunted H44KW especially for the LoTW upload. I was lucky to get them on one slot, and the log was uploaded a few days later for #311 on LoTW.

3D2RX was also expected after their trip to Rotuma. This was #312 on LoTW.

I have at least one more new LoTW confirmation that will come as soon as they upload the log. Other than that, the next will probably be a surprise. Other nice confirmations lately are 9U4U, 3D2RO, VP9I, V63ZM, 9Y4/DL7VOG, 5X8C and TZ6BB.

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Second DX report in 2013

Posted: March 10th, 2013 under DX, Hamradio, Iota, Soundclips.

cuba2013_rrc Here is my second DX report this year. This one is also from February. 

On February 15th, I worked 6W/HA0NAR on 15M CW. A few hours later, I managed a new IOTA with T47RRC on 17M CW from IOTA NA-086. T47RRC is one of the calls used by the Russian Robinson Club and they are celebrating their 20th year anniversary. Take a look at their webpage here5X8C and T47RRC was worked on 30M CW for the last qsoes that day.

February 16th was another good DX day. I started out working V63ZM on 17M CW, 30M CW and 40M. 17M and 40M were new bandcountries. 5X8C was worked on 17M and 12M CW and 30M RTTY. TZ6BB was worked on 12M and 30M CW, 30M was a new one. 9U4U was worked on 30M CW.

February 17th gave me T46RRC on 20M SSB from IOTA NA-204. This was yet another new IOTA. 9U4U was worked on 17M CW and was a new one on 17M since 9U5CW never got approved.

February 18th gave me T46RRC and 9U4U on 40M CW. 9U was new on 40M.

February 26th gave me H44KW on 30M CW for a new one on 30M.

February 27th gave me XT2TT on 30M CW.

March 2nd gave me XT2TT on 15M CW for a new one on 15M.

Lot's of soundclips below for your enjoyment!


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