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#295 on LoTW with HC6EP and 13 T32C slots

Posted: October 23rd, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

t32c_logsearch_la8aja The conditions are really good for the time being, and I have worked a few contacts lately.

I worked OA4/DJ2VO on 30M on October 11th. 

On the 14th I worked T32C on 15M CW.

On the 15th I got HC2/KF6ZWD and HR2DMR on 12M CW. HR2 was a new one on 12M. T32C was worked on 12M SSB and 17M CW. I tuned around 10M and found OA1F with a nice signal and worked him quickly. Further up in the band, HC6EP was calling and I gave him a call. It turned out that he was on LoTW and when I uploaded the log a few days later, I got #295 on LoTW.

October 18th gave me 3 new T32C slots with 17M RTTY, 20M SSB and 20M CW.

Early morning October 19th, I worked VE7SV with a nice and strong signal on 30M CW. He had a pile-up from Europe, but was easily worked. T32C was worked on 10M CW.

E51NOU was worked on 12M CW October 20th. I tried calling him the day before, but I couldn't break the pile-up. 3XY1D was worked on 30M CW.

On October 21st I worked T32C on 30M RTTY and 17M SSB. 4O3A was worked on 12M cw for a new one on 12M.

I now have 13 slots with T32C. Way more than expected. They have been there so long that the pile-up's are small and pretty easy to crack.

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DX Soundclips in September 2011

Posted: October 13th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

soundwave Only a few soundclips this time. Enjoy!


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Rockall EU-189 worked for a new IOTA

Posted: October 9th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, Iota.

eu189_rockall_0 I'm not a big IOTA collector, but I did manage to work MM0RAI/p on 40M SSB last weekend on October 2nd. They were only qrv for a short while, and the skip wasn't very favourable for me. I woke up during the night, and I checked, I could read them fine and gave them a few calls. I logged them for my IOTA #342.

This weekend I worked T32C easily on 4 slots. I haven't bothered with too much time in the pile-up's since they are staying for a while. I worked T32C on 30M CW on Saturday morning. In the evening, I worked them on 12M CW and 15M SSB. I got them on 40M CW on Sunday morning. I did also try on 30M RTTY, but I didn't manage a qso before they qsy'ed. 

I tried earlier this week to work 3D2R, but I could not bust the pile-up. Luckily I do have Rotuma confirmed, but it would have been nice to get them on more bands and modes.

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Big 6M aurora on September 27th

Posted: September 27th, 2011 under 6M, Hamradio, Pictures, Propagation.

After the recent activity on the sun, which shot the flux up to the highest point ever in solarcycle 24, we were bound to have an aurora. I checked 6M, but I couldn't really here too many stations on. I could hear Egil LA8AV working some stations. I took a break and came back later. G8BCG in IO70 was very strong on SSB, so I gave him a call. He is running 4 x 7el lfa's, so no wonder he was strong. But the aurora must also be good to work the IO70 square. It turned out that F6KHM heard my signal and wanted to try on CW. I gave him a call and we worked. He is in IN78. That's the first time I've worked F on aurora and a distance over 1600km.

I continued to work stations in G, PA, GM, GD, DL, SM, OZ, YL, SP, ON and LA. The aurora took a dip and came back later. I worked a few more stations until I started getting inband TV from the east. Turned out the aurora had turned to auroral-e and I worked OH, ES and LY with clean and shacky signals. I ended up working 39 qsoes this time.

What was even more fun, was that the aurora was visible outside. It was very weak, but I could see weak green waves in the sky. I tried to take a few pictures too, but it wasn't easy to catch it. Here are a few pictures from last night.

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YV4BCD records JW8AJA on 20M CW

Posted: September 22nd, 2011 under Clip, Hamradio.

While searching for JW8AJA on google, I found this video recorded by YV4BCD. Thanks for recording it and posting it on youtube.

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