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DX soundclips in May 2011

Posted: July 17th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

soundwave Here are my soundclips from May. I see I didn't record too many in that period though. The main reason is 6M coming to life and HF taking a backseat. Anyway, enjoy the recordings.


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#288 and #289 on LoTW with S9DX and CY0

Posted: July 12th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg These are two confirmations I've been waiting for. S9DX was worked back in February, both from JW and home. The CY0 stations were worked back in March. I worked K8LEE/CY0 and N1SNB/CY0. I'm now at #289 LoTW confirmations.

I haven't been listening too much on 6M lately, but according to the cluster and the spotmaps, I haven't missed much. JX5O is now active and I worked them today on 30M CW. JX5O will go qrt early tomorrow morning. I also worked ZA/HA5X on 20M RTTY today. He uses LoTW and that will be a new one on RTTY LoTW.

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#131 on 6M with A65BP

Posted: July 4th, 2011 under 6M, DX, Hamradio.

a6_6m 6M had been mostly dead for a few days, and I noticed Nigel G3TXF was active from ZD7. I think he was leaving that day, so I realized that I probably could have worked him on several bands. However on June 30th, I got him on 40M CW after a few minutes in the pile-up. He was using ZD7XF as his callsign and had a nice signal with just as big of a pile-up.

July 1st brought some conditions on 6M. I got Darren SV5/G0TSM and J48YA on 6M CW. Then I noticed an hour later that aurora was starting. I worked 17 stations on aurora from ES, LA, SM, OH, GM and OJ0. OJ0/SA5BJM was a bit of a surprise. I wasn't aware that they had 6M gear with them. They worked quite a few contacts on aurora and later they also got some sporadic-e openings too. JW7QIA did also work several contacts down in Europe during this day. I'm not sure if he worked anything in North-America though.

July 2nd seemed good. LA8HGA reported hearing and working A9. He could also hear 4Z. I couldn't hear much of those station here but I could hear other europeans. A little later I also got better conditions up here. I could hear A92IO and A45XR. I didn't bother working any of them, since I've worked them before. D4C and CS3BSM beacons came in around the same time, so there was hope for something more. But A6 seemed active today and since I didn't hear anything more interesting, I took a break. After a few hours, I checked again. LA2OKA had spotted A65BP about 10 minutes earlier. I could not hear the A6, and it seemed he wasn't there at that time. 10 minutes later, I heard A65BP again on the frequency calling. I quickly called him and logged him for #131 on 6M. I gotta say, this one really tasted good. After feeling that most of the DX either not reached me or skipped over my head, I could finally work something new.

On July 3rd, 6M was pretty much dead. I think I heard one or two europeans. I turned the yagi west and parked the radio on 50106. I was hoping for a shot at PJ6D. In the meantime, I was doing something else, and I suddenly heard them calling CQ. I quickly called them, but they couldn't get me. I only heard a few QRZ from them before they either worked someone else or continued calling. I heard them for maybe 5 minutes. I continued listening after them and heard a CQ now and then. I called them each time, but I wasn't able to work them.

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#286 and #287 on LoTW with 9U0A and CP6AA

Posted: July 1st, 2011 under 6M, DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg New confirmations on LoTW has been slow. I'm still waiting for a few I know till upload the log though. One I had been waiting for, was 9U0A. I worked them back in November 2010, and the log was uploaded some time last week. One I didn't see coming, was CP6AA. That means I'm up to #287 on LoTW. 13 more to go for 300 all on LoTW.

As for radio, well I was on holiday in Cyprus last week with no radio. I didn't miss much except that DU and A6 was worked in LA on 6M. Who knows, I might have worked them. The A61Q qso was probably a first and was made by LA8HGA. Another first for the list was PJ4E worked by LA8AV on June 18th.

The first qso I worked after the holiday, was Peter JW7QIA on 6M CW June 27th. Peter will stay there for a few days as I wrote in my last post.

June 28th brought a good 6M opening. I worked UK8OM in MN51 for a new grid, and I worked UK9AA in MN41. SY9VHF was worked in KM15 for yet another new grid. Total grid count is now #671 on 6M.

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JW7QIA qrv on 6M June 27th – July 1st

Posted: June 27th, 2011 under 6M, DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio.

jw7qia My friend Peter LA7QIA is once again active from JW. He is qrv on 6M from June 27th till July 1st. The qth is the JW7SIX beacon qth in JQ68tb. He is using 100w and a 3 element yagi. Peter had planned to use a 7 element lfa antenna, but it was delayed in the mail. QSL via homecall.

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