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2 new grids worked on 6M May 26th

Posted: May 29th, 2011 under 6M, Hamradio, Soundclips.

6m_may_26th_2011 After the big opening on May 21st, the following day was more of a disappointment. The band was open to the east, but no stations were heard. The only sign of life to the east was 2 x OH and 1 x YL stations in the log.

Monday May 23rd was also not very good. I worked 14 stations in I, DL and OK. Nothing new and nothing exotic about that opening.

May 26th however was more to my taste. The band was open to the south-east. 4X4DK was the first station I worked. Many stations were on, but I didn't bother to work anything. The squares or the stations were already in my log. SV5BYR Mike was worked on SSB. That was the first time I worked him on SSB. I've worked him twice on CW before. SV8/SV1JG in KM26 was worked for a new gridsquare. I started calling and worked several stations in HA, OM, LZ, YO, UT and YU. I was monitoring the band for new gridsquares and one of the needed ones were EA3EVL in JN00. I was watching his frequency on and off during the opening. After hearing nothing the whole time, the signal suddenly came through and we worked easily. That was my second new gridsquare in this opening and JP50 was also a new one for him. I finished the opening with 4U1ITU in the log. I could easily have worked a lot more, but I also tried to listen around for anything new.


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6M opening May 21st

Posted: May 23rd, 2011 under 6M, Hamradio.

6m_may_21st_2011 Lately I've been wondering where the 6M sporadic-e had gone. So far I had only heard a few minor openings which I didn't bother to work anything at all.

When I turned on 6M Saturday morning, the band was in good shape. EP-TV was well over s9 and I found a free frequency and started calling. 3 Hours later, I had to take a break with over 200 qsoes in the log. The 2 longest contacts was 4X1IF and 4Z5AO. No other DX was worked, but I did get 2 new grids with KN00 and JM87. My 6M grid count is now #652. Several hours later I had another go and worked a few more qsoes. As nothing interesting did show up, I stopped calling and just listened around. I did hear 5B4AIF and TA7X, but I didn't call them since I've worked them before.

As you can see on the picture, the opening was quite widespread. I worked around 250 qsoes and 102 different squares. I worked stations from the following countries: OH, SM, G, PA, EA, EA6, SV, F, ON, DL, OK, OM, SP, OE, I, 4Z, LZ, YO, UR, 9A, HA, HB9, S5, YU.

This was one of the better openings I've worked on 6M in a long time. I could probably have worked more, but I got a little tired of it as well. Now let's hope for some nice DX in the log.

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JW8HGA is qrv from May 18th-23rd

Posted: May 21st, 2011 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, Soundclips.


My friend LA8HGA is now QRV as JW8HGA for a few days. He is using the JW5E clubstation. Look for him on CW on the HF bands. QSL via homecall. I worked him yesterday on 20M CW. He was weak at first, then he suddenly came in with a big signal. Listen to the recording below.


  • JW8HGA 20M CW – Jon Morten, loud signal, qsl LoTW, bureau/direct to LA8HGA

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DX soundclips in March 2011

Posted: May 14th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

soundwave Here are my March 2011 soundclips for you to enjoy.


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#284 and #285 on LoTW with 9N7AN and 4A4A

Posted: May 6th, 2011 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

4a4a_qsl I didn't really expect these two to show up so soon. Early this week, 9N7AN showed up and gave me #284 on LoTW. I don't have many 9N stations in the log, so it was very nice to work that expedition. A few days later, I noticed that 4A4A had uploaded the log to LoTW. That means I have #285 on LoTW and that all my 332 worked, are confirmed. Thank you very much for using LoTW. Only 15 more to go for 300.

Other confirmations on LoTW are PY5CC for 6M and 160M. Thanks a lot Peter. Other older contacts that were confirmed now was 6W6/K3IPK. I worked Richard on many bands back in the 90's. Thank you to the both of you.

I only have a small dxreport this time. April 27th I worked SV2ASP/A on 17M RTTY. On April 30th, I worked John ZL1BYZ on 17M CW with a nice signal. I noticed I didn't have ZL on 17M LoTW, so I gave him a quick call. That was our third band. Later that day, I got LA6Q in JP22 on 6M aurora. That was my grid #650 on 6M.

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