A few expeditions came on the air after the excellent ZL8X show. 9Q and VK9N are two that has been very active since they came on. I only have a few stations worked from either location. On December 11th I worked 9Q50ON on 40M RTTY (New 40M and RTTY), 30M RTTY (New 30M) and 30M CW. I also worked VK9NN on 40M CW (new 40M) and 30M CW 4 minutes later. I worked OA4TT on 17M CW. A92IO was worked on 15M CW (new 15M). Thanks to both the 9Q and the VK9N team for their expeditions.
Sometimes you also seems to miss an "easy" one on different bands. GI is one of those I've been missing on 30M. On December 12th MI0SRR David was spotted on 30M CW. I gave him a call and got him for a new one on 30M.
My first qso in December was ZL8X on 30M RTTY. They were quite strong yesterday, and I logged them pretty quick. That was #206 on RTTY. The expedition is now qrt and they did an excellent job with nearly 150.000 qsoes total. Thank you very much to the team for the expedition and giving me an all-time new one.
Well, time flies and little radio. Finally ZL8X got on for an all-time new one. ZL8 is Kermadec Island and to read more about the expedition, go to their excellent website.
I didn't bother to call them the first weekend. I knew the pile-ups would be huge and it would probably just be a waste of time. On Thursday last week, I had a little time before work and ZL8X was on 30M CW. After a few calls I got him in the log for an all-time new one. #330 if I count the deleted PJ's.
On Friday morning, I quickly worked ZL8X on 40M CW for a new bandcountry.
I'm happy that I worked FJ/SM5FUG. He uploaded the log to LoTW and gave me #267 on LoTW. That's 5 new ones in about a month. I haven't worked anything since that qso. Right now I'm waiting for ZL8 to get on the air. ZL8 will be an all-time new one for me.