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Makrothen RTTY Contest and a DX report

Posted: October 12th, 2010 under Contesting, DX, Hamradio, RTTY.

cqlogo.jpg I noticed there were several contests this weekend. Among them were SAC SSB, but as I wrote before, I'm not very fond of SSB contests. Makrothen RTTY contest was also on, so I decided to set up and run a few contacts. This contest was run in periods and the exchange was only your digit locator square. The points were calculated from the distance to the other station worked. Totally I worked 177 qsoes in this one. Only thing new was Z2/AC7GP who called me on 15M for #204 on RTTY.

On Friday, I worked TO7ZG in St. Barthelemy on 30M RTTY. That was both a new on 30M (#267) and RTTY (#203). I also worked DT8A South-Shetland on 30M CW. It was nothing new, but it is a semi-rare dx. Last time I worked South-Shetland was back in 2000.

On Saturday, I managed to work J28AA on 15M CW (#228 15M). LA6Q in EU061 was worked on 17M CW.

Sunday morning was time for the new PJ-stations. I managed to work PJ4D and PJ6A on 40M CW. I tried several of the others, but I couldn't get through to them. VQ9LA was worked on 12M CW with a good signal. OX3XR was worked on 15M CW for a new one on 15M (#229).

PJ7E was worked on 17M CW on Monday. I did try PJ2T on 15M CW and PJ5/K1XM on 12M CW, but I could not break the pile-up.

LoTW and the logsearch has been updated with the latest qsoes.

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LA6Q will be active from EU-061 the coming weekend

Posted: October 8th, 2010 under Dxpedition, Hamradio, Iota.

la6q LA6Q will activate IOTA EU-061 Spjaeroy Island this weekend October 9th-10th. Operators will be Bjorn, LA5UKA and Trond, LA9VDA. They will be QRV on 17M-40m on CW, RTTY and SSB. They may also show up in coming SAC SSB contest as LN6Q. QSL is via LA9VDA.

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#261 and #262 on LoTW with 9H1SP and K5K

Posted: October 5th, 2010 under Hamradio, LoTW.

1000_lotw_confirmations LoTW confirmations are rolling in, but mostly bandcountries or states. As for 9H, I have a few qsoes, but never worked any of the LoTW people. 9H1SP Paul hangs around on the on4kst-chat, so I asked him if we could work. He agreed and we worked on 40/30/20/17 CW. Paul uploaded his log and gave me #261 on LoTW.

Another surprise was K5K last night. K5K was the call used for the Kingman Reef expedition back in 2000. That was #262 on LoTW.

A thing worth mentioning is that I got bandcountry #1000 confirmed on LoTW this week. Check the attached picture. Thanks to all LoTW users for uploading their logs.

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CQWW RTTY 2010 report

Posted: September 30th, 2010 under Contesting, Hamradio, RTTY.

cqlogo.jpg The SSB part of the Scandinavian Activity Contest was moved this year. Hopefully this will bring more activity to the SSB part of SAC. The previous years it has collided with CQWW RTTY. As I'm not a big fan of SSB contests, my choice would have been the RTTY contest, collision or not. As I have done in the past, I usually join a contest for fun and to try to work some new stuff. I didn't get to run as many hours as I had planned, but I managed to squeeze in a few hours and worked 351 qsoes. Too bad I missed the stateside openings on 40M, but I needed the sleep this weekend. I did however work several new states on RTTY. I managed to work OR, SC, VW and WY for a total of 44 states on RTTY.

As WY is one of 2 missing LoTW states, I was very lucky to work WY7SS. WY7SS uploaded the log to LoTW on Monday. That means only ND to go.

I also got 2 new RTTY DXCC's wih VP9I and SU/HA3JB. That brings my RTTY total to 202.

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JW5E new qslcard

Posted: September 27th, 2010 under Hamradio.

jw5e_qsl_2010 I was asked by Harald LA7XM/JW7XM a few weeks ago if I could design a new qslcard for the Svalbard clubstation JW5E. I said yes, and this is the result I came up with. I must say I was very pleased with the result, and so was he. The card will be printed by UX5UO. The picture was taken in 2006 when I visited Svalbard.

Do you like it?

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