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WordPress 3.0 released

Posted: June 18th, 2010 under Homepage, Software.

wordpress-logo Breaking a long range of Hamradio only posts, specially this week, I thought I'd write a short post about the software running this page. Yesterday, WordPress 3.0 was released. It has been worked on for nearly half a year. I upgraded it yesterday as soon as I noticed it was available. The upgrade for me, didn't bump into any problems. My site is running like normal.

I didn't notice much changes at first, but there are several new features. One is the merge of WordPress MU and WordPress. That means you can run several sites on one installation. Another is the new menu stuff. A whole bunch of bugs has been fixed too. Twenty Ten, a new default theme, was also released bundled with the 3.0 package.

Read the release info over here.

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The magic band opens to North-America – 8 new grids

Posted: June 16th, 2010 under 6M, DX, Hamradio.

6m_usa_canada_june_11th_2010 6M had been pretty quiet the last few days. There were a few openings, but nothing really interesting. That changed on Friday June 11th though. I was listening around the band for anything interesting, when K1TOL announced he was hearing the Moscow tv-transmitter. He started calling and I turned the yagi and listened. It was quiet… for a few seconds or so. Then suddenly his signal were in and it increased quickly. I worked him and tuned the band. N1BUG was in and I gave him a call. K1CP and W1JJ was also in, and I worked them both. After working those 4 stations, I went to 50080 and started calling and as soon as I finished the first call, I was answered. At times, I even had a small pile-up. I ended up staying on that frequency for nearly 3 hours. The opening resulted in 82 qsoes in 42 different grids. 8 of them were new. The map above shows the grids I worked. The longest qso was KE4WBO at 7466km. I worked 9 contacts into Canada and 73 into USA. This was my best opening to North-America since the opening I had in 2008. Hopefully more openings will come.

All the contacts are uploaded to LoTW and my logsearch.

I talked with a few of the other LA's that were active in the opening. LA8HGA worked over 70 qsoes, LA8AV worked over 50 qsoes and LA7HJA worked around 30 qsoes.

Below you see a plot of the qso'es. The map was made with Google Earth. Thanks to VE2XK for the idea.


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VE3EN soundclip and another video

Posted: June 15th, 2010 under 6M, DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

Here is another video Kevin posted. This is my cq.

  • VE3EN 6M CW – here is how Kevin sounded when he answered my cq

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VE3EN records from 6M opening June 11th

Posted: June 14th, 2010 under 6M, DX, Hamradio.

This was indeed very nice to hear and see. I worked VE3EN Kevin with quite a nice signal. Thanks for recording our signal and putting it on youtube.

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#126 on 6M with 4J9M and other 6M DX

Posted: June 13th, 2010 under 6M, DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

4j9m_qsl Ok, so I'm catching up on heard an worked here. E4X was worked on 6 bands with 30/20/17/15/12/6M qso'es.

On June 4th, I got TK4LS and EY8MM on 12M. Both of them confirmed quickly on LoTW. Now I'm at 90 on 12M LoTW. 100 confirmed seems close.

On June 5th, I worked 4L5O on 6M CW. UT7NT in KN49 gave me a new grid on 6M. 5B4AIF was worked on 6M SSB with a nice signal.

On June 6th, I worked A92IO, 4Z5LA, EA8BWL and several stations from Ukraine on 6M.

On June 7th, 6M was open to the east with very strong signals from the tv-transmittes on 49MHz. Not much interesting was heard, but the band suddenly opened to the northwest and I worked N1BUG, W1JJ And K1TOL. I turned east again and finally got ES4SA in KO49 for a new grid. Then suddenly 4J9M was on and I got him for a new one on 6M. That was #126 on 6M. The tv-qrm continued for a long time giving me S9 with inband qrm. A few hours later I suddenly noticed a N0KE spot. I tuned down and heard a strong station. I thought this couldn't be him, but it was and he was worked easily. That was a new state and grid on 6M. N0KE is in DM69 which is in Colorado. No more US stations was worked here. WP2B was in several times and I worked him on CW. I worked him last year on SSB. GM0KZG/MM from IP70 was worked for a new grid. VE2XK was suddenly in from FN07. He was worked for a new grid. This was his first opening to Norway, and he worked LA7HJA first, then me a few minutes later. KP4EIT was worked as the last contact that day. 


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