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TN5SN #256 on LoTW

Posted: June 12th, 2010 under Hamradio, LoTW, Soundclips.

tn5sn_qsl A few weeks ago, I finally managed to work TN5SN Nicolas. I have been trying to work him a few times on HF. I did hear him last year on 6M, but nothing this year. I got him on 30M CW, where he had a strong signal. It was typically the only band and mode I had worked TN on before. The reason I wanted to log him, is because he is an LoTW user. A week or so ago, I got the confirmation on LoTW, which gave me #256 LoTW only. Thank you Nicolas.

I have plenty more to report about, but time just flies too fast. At the same time, 6M has been having a few very good openings. I'll come back to that in a later post, as soon as I get it written.


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E4X #125 on 6M and plenty of new grids

Posted: June 4th, 2010 under 6M, Hamradio.

e4x After the aurora on Saturday, I thought the band would take some time to pick up again. Well, I was wrong. A few hours after the big aurora, KP4EIT suddenly came through and I quickly worked him. Nothing else from that area was worked. I tried to call, but didn't get any real dx, though CU2JT answered my call. It was nice to finally work Gary on 6M. EI, GW and G was also worked and then suddenly an hour or so later, CU1EZ was heard and worked. CU1EZ is in HM76, and it was a new grid.

On Sunday, I noticed E4X being spotted on 6M and having a path to northern Europe. After monitoring and calling a few times when E4X was audible, he suddenly came up. I logged him as second or third LA station on 6M. That was #125 on 6M. In the evening, the northern path opened again. All JW beacons were booming in. LA5TFA/P in KP09 and TF8GX in HP84 was worked. OX3KQ was on but I couldn't read him. I only heard some weak signal.

On Monday, the northern path opened again and the JW beacons were heard once again. The path also moved a bit more to the north-east and east and I worked several OH-stations. One new grid was worked with OH9RG in KP25. A few hours later, the path had changed to a more north-western path. OX3KQ was suddenly in strong and I gave him a quick call. The path was holding up and moved more to the south. YV4DYJ was suddenly in on 50110. I gave him a call and got a new grid with FK50. It was his first LA station. FM5AA in FK94 was worked in CW a few minutes later.

Tuesday brought yet another 6M opening. This time it was very good to Ukraine and to the south-east. E4X was worked on 6M SSB. UR5MW KN98, UT7IL KN87, UT4UO KO71, UR5LCV KO80 and J48HW KN20 all gave me a new grid. LA3ANA JP53 was worked on backscatter to the south-east.

On Wednesday I only worked E4X on 30M RTTY for #193 on RTTY.

Thursday gave me T6MB on 20M RTTY (#194 RTTY, #276 20M). 6M brought also an opening in the evening to the east. Several OH, ES and YL stations were worked. LA2RZ JP20 was worked on backscatter to the east. This opening lasted several hours and was quite intense. The 49.747MHz TV-transmitter in KO85 pinned my meter, and several others were 40-50 db over 9. I was hoping to work the KO49 grid, but no station did show up. I'm at 596 grids total on 6M now.

Comments: 2

Great 6M aurora with 2 new grids worked

Posted: May 31st, 2010 under 6M, Hamradio.

6m_aurora_29_may_2010 The aurora on Saturday was very intense. One of several intense aurora's this year. The signals were stronger than I think I've ever heard them on 6M aurora. It might also help with the 7 element yagi. I haven't worked too many aurora contacts with it. I started cq'ing and very quickly had a pile-up going. Pile-up on cw is one thing, add aurora to that, and you have a big buzz. I ended up working around 80 qso'es and I worked GM, LA, SM, OZ, DL, SP, OH, LY, YL, PA and ES. A total of 47 grids were worked, with KP05 and JP80 being new 6M grids. I've marked the grids on a map. The blue are the worked, the black are the beacons and 2 grids that I was heard in. The aurora was quite widespread, with KP05 and KP44 to the north, IO75 to the west, KO38 to the east and JO71 to the south. I also worked the OZ7VHF gang from the Nordic VUSHF meeting this weekend.

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3 new on 6M, 1 new on RTTY

Posted: May 29th, 2010 under 6M, DX, Hamradio, RTTY.

tl_tn_hf Radio activity has picked up. I got TL0A on 17M RTTY (#192 RTTY), 20M RTTY and 30M RTTY. That was a new mode and 3 new bandpoints. GM6VXB in IO97 was worked for a new grid on 6M. KH7Y was worked on 6M eme for #122 on 6M. ST2AR was worked for #123 on 6M. I finally got TN5SN in the log, though only on 30M. I hope I'll log him on 6M soon. F/ON6ID/M in JN33 was worked for a new grid on 6M. Now I have the grid, but still need 3A. Why should that one be so difficult. The last week has been good for 6M. We have had good openings every day since Sunday at least. I haven't worked that much though, most of the stuff has been worked. I spend a lot of time listening. SV5/LZ1WL in KM36 was a new 6M grid. SV1NZX in KM17 was another new grid. SV2KBB in KN10, Z30U in KN11 and TF1JI in IP03 were all new grids. Finally I got A92GR in LL56 for #124 on 6M. Among the other stations I have worked the past week are SV9CVY, SU1SK and CU3EQ. I could have worked several hundred contacts if I wanted to. Total new grid count is now 585 on 6M. Now I'm waiting for an opening to get the current E4X expedition in the log.

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ST2AR #255 on LoTW

Posted: May 24th, 2010 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

st2ar Robert, S53R uploaded his log on LoTW a week ago. He gave me a new one total (#255 LoTW), a new one on RTTY and several bands as well. Thank you very much Robert. Any chance of uploading your previous logs?

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