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FT5GA worked for an all-time new – #324 total

Posted: September 23rd, 2009 under Contesting, DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio.

ft5ga_logo The past weekend I was at the LA8W/LN8W station. The rotator had stopped working for the 20M/15M tower. Since I am the only one that dares to climb the tower, I was the obvious choice. After a few hours up in the tower, the problem was fixed. Turns out it was a few loose connectors to the motors. The antennas were turning again, and I managed to work FT5GA on 15M CW for an all-time new. That was #324 and a big relief to get them in the log. We did participate a few hours in the SAC CW contest, where we worked 1001 QSO’es. Operators were LA8AJA, LA9VDA, LB3HC and LB8IB. Claimed score on the 3830 reflector here.

On Sunday morning I worked V73RS on 20M SSB for a new one on SSB. I heard E51USA strong too, but I couldn’t break the pile-up. I have worked South Cook before, so no big loss, but it’s always a nice DX.

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NA-230 was worked for a new IOTA

Posted: September 18th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, Iota.

na230 I have only worked a few qsoes the last few weeks. On the August 29th I worked KH7XS on 30M CW. That was my third band with KH7XS. He had a nice and strong signal as always. On September 6th I worked VY0O on 30M CW. He was operating from NA-230, which is a new IOTA for me. I don't actively collect them, but work a few now and then. I have 289 IOTA's according to my log. A few minutes after VY0O I called FO/G3BJ. He was further down in the band. I think he answered me, but weak signals and some qrm covered him. I waited a few minutes and called him again when the frequency cleared up. Now I heard he came back to me. FO/A wasn't a new one, but it was 10 years since last time I worked it.

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FT5GA Glorioso 2009 latest news – soon qrv

Posted: September 14th, 2009 under Dxpedition, Hamradio.

The Glorioso team are on their way. Hopefully they will be qrv and in the log soon. This will be an all-time new for me. Read the latest news below.

September 14, 2009

The FT5GA team landed safe on late Saturday, at Saint Denis de la Reunion Airport. While this week end, the members of the crew spent some time to check and finalize the laptops and the Wintest soft. They were heard doing that on the bands, barefoot, on Sunday using CW and RTTY, from Sainte-Clotilde.

This morning the departure to Mayotte is scheduled around 09:00 local time. Then they will fly to Glorieuses, were they are expected to land around the end of the afternoon. To night I’ll call them by satellite cell phone to know approximately when they will begin to traffic.

The Higher Authorities of the Territory and the other from the French Forces presence on the island, may delayed that a little bit. So it seems reasonable to expect the first signals on Tuesday in the morning. (GMT time)

By the way I will thank all of our pilots and friends who are ready QRV to collect all the useful information to permit us the best traffic organization. Jeff, F6AOJ did a good job and send it us, about propagations predictions, Floyd is ready to receive and transmit us all what will be useful for the Whole American Continent. We know the poor conditions to day for the FT/G/Americas way so with the pilot help we will try to be as top as possible for them. This morning, Lee, ZL2AL sent us some predictions for the VK/ZL area. The Middle and Far Asian observation are awaited, and will come soon.

The FT5GA has the chance to offer you a rare possibility to get the 4th Most Wanted country (The last time was in the 1999/2000); Could we ask the Ham community to don’t mess up the party ?
Please hear and hear before coming in the pile up. The operators will give also some instructions while beeing behind laptops, keys and mikes. They have received strict orders to keep the traffic under their control.

The logbooks will be able as soon as possible on the Web page at :
Rafik, F5CQ our webmaster, will update as often as possible, receiving conditions permitting. Thank to him too for the big job done in the past and for that he will have to do in the next days.

So beam your antennas, keep your ears and rigs ready. The crew members are motivated as ever and they will do all their best to make all of you happy.

73’s de Didier, F5OGL  – Gloriosos 2009 team leader


For more info about the expedition, go the website here.

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Finally getting 100 confirmed on 6M

Posted: September 9th, 2009 under Hamradio.

6w1sj Lately I’ve been catching up on some QSLing. Earlier this year I finally printed new cards and one version was a fullcolor QSLcard, something I have wanted for a long time. I also managed to clear out my bureau backlog. Now I’m catching up on getting needed ones confirmed. A week or so ago, I finally got #100 confirmed on 6m. That includes both LoTW confirmations and papercards. My #100 was in fact one of the new ones worked this year with a beautiful 6W1SJ qslcard. Yesterday I got FY5KE for #101 and today I got D44AC for #102. As soon as I get all sent out, I’ll hopefully be at 120. Why 120 you might ask, since I have worked 121. It’s quite simple, since I’ve been so slow, a few of the people I worked under the F2 days have gone SK. Luckily I got one of them, VP2VI on LoTW. The one I’ll probably never get confirmed is HH7PV. If anyone of my readers can point out to me if they know of a way to get a paper qsl for VP2VI or HH7PV, leave a comment below.

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K5D #232 and J5UAP #233 on LoTW

Posted: September 5th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, LoTW.

lotw-logo-c.jpg The radio front has been quiet. I only worked KH7XS on 30M CW August 29th. I’m waiting for the Glorioso expedition to hit the air. They will start some time in mid-September. Glorioso will be an all time new one for me. Read more about the expedition here. I have also gotten a few new confirmations on LoTW with K5D (#232 LoTW) and J5UAP (#233 LoTW).

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