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Posted: April 12th, 2009 under Hamradio, LoTW.

dr09ant_qsl.jpg As the title says, Nigel, G3TXF, has uploaded his logs to LoTW. With YJ0TXF and VK9N/G3TXF I am up to #223 confirmed on LoTW. Thank you very much Nigel. Keep up the good work! Other nice ones confirmed are KH6OO and V63TO. Only worked a few contacts the last few days. VP5/W5CW was worked on Monday with a good signal on 40M CW. DR09ANT was worked on Wednesday on 20M RTTY. On Friday morning, 4T6I was on. It’s a rare Iota according to the spots, so I worked him on 40M CW. Turned out it was both a new Iota and a new one on 40 (#235).


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#322 total – VK9GMW, Mellish Reef for an alltime new

Posted: April 8th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

vk9gmw_logsearch.jpg Finally. I almost gave up hope for this one. I have been working late during prime-time on several days. Yesterday, I had a day off. VK9GMW showed up on 20M with a decent signal. I think I tried an hour before he went to another band. That was it until around 14z. He showed up on 40M. I couldn’t quite believe the signal, but it was a bit fluttery, and he was working JA and NA. After a few minutes they changed op. He sent something like "qrx 10, while I get the real op for the pile-up". He finally came back, and I was hoping to get him before the pile-up grew too big. I hunted for maybe an hour and thirty minutes without getting through. At that point I was more like giving up. After eating dinner, I went back for another go, and he was still there. Around 17z he suddenly asked for something that sounded like my call. I repeated the call and finally Mellish was in the log. That makes a new one on 40M (#234), CW (#306) and total (#322).


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PW0S and VK9DWX on LoTW, VK9N/G3TXF on 30M

Posted: April 5th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

vk9dwx_qsl.jpg On Friday morning, I worked KH6OO on 30M while I was listening around for anything interesting to work. He had a nice signal here in Norway. Friday evening, 5X1NH was quite strong on 40M, but I just couldn’t break the pile-up. I have worked him before on 30M, but it would have been a new on 40M. Suddenly all hell broke loose. VK9GMW came on again and the pile-up spread on top of 5X1NH. When it comes to Mellish Reef, VK9GMW, I can’t say I had my luck with working them. They were quite good on Saturday morning on 30M, but the band were open to almost every part of the world, and it was tough to break the JA-wall. They started to increase even more in strength, but then they started to work NA only. After 5 or 10 minutes, they went to 160M. At least I managed to work VK9N/G3TXF easy. That was a new on CW and 30M (#305 CW, #246 30M). On Sunday afternoon VK9GMW was very strong on 30M, but no luck breaking the pile-up. I was chasing them for more than an hour. Hopefully I’ll have more luck during the week.

I got 2 nice surprises on LoTW this weekend. I got PW0S and VK9DWX confirmed. Total is now up to 221.


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4U1UN on LoTW

Posted: April 2nd, 2009 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, LoTW.

4u1un.jpg I got 4U1UN (#219 LoTW) confirmed both on CW and RTTY on 40M this week. Thanks for activating that rare DXCC. On the other hand, I wasn’t in the log for the VK9LA RTTY qso. I should have made 100% sure that he had my call. Now PA8AJA has one qso on 30M RTTY. So much for thinking it’s just misprint. They are now qrt, but at least I logged them on 2 bands. Mellish Reef on the other hand aren’t that easy to get in the log. I have had a few tries on 40 and 30, but no go so far. They expect to be qrv to April 10, weather depending. Hopefully I’ll get a shot soon on an all-time new one. For more info about Mellish Reef VK9GMW, go here.

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VK9LA, YJ0TXF, TY5ZR and T2UF in the log

Posted: March 29th, 2009 under DX, Hamradio, Soundclips.

vk9m_vk9l_yj_t2.jpg On Monday I got 4K0CW on 30M, my 4th band. Thanks Axel. On Wednesday I finally managed to work VK9LA on 40M CW (#302 CW, #233 40M). I did try on Monday, but he went qrt before I could break the pile-up. On Saturday I was up early to check the bands. That resulted in VK9LA on 30M CW (#244 30M). A few hours later, T2UF (LA5UF) was peaking on 20M and was easily worked (#270 20M, #303 CW). Thanks Jørgen. A few minutes later, Nigel, G3TXF was on 30M CW. After spending a few minutes in the pile-up, I managed to get through and work him as YJ0TXF (#244 30M, #304 CW). That’s my third new one on CW this week. I also worked BW9/DL2JRM/P in IOTA AS103 on 40M CW. Saturday afternoon gave me TY5ZR on 30M CW (#245 30M).


 VK9LA online logsearch can be found here.

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