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3D2 on 40M and 30M, K5D on 40M and 30M CW

Posted: February 18th, 2009 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio, LoTW, RTTY, Soundclips.

k5d_map.jpg Here is an update of the last weeks activity. I worked 150 qso’es during the weekend in RTTY WPX. That resulted in 3 new ones, #177 total, working HI3TEJ, NP3U and YN2S. On Thursday, I got 3D2NB on 40M CW (#227), on Friday I got 3D2OU on 30M  (#238) and on Saturday K5D on 40M (#228) SSB. I also worked JW9VDA on 20M CW on Friday. On Monday evening, I finally got my CW (#301) contact with K5D on 30M (#239). On Tuesday morning, K5D got in the log on 40M CW. The signal was very good and all the intentional qrm was weaker.


K5D Logsearch is now online here.

My LoTW log is updated now, including the RTTY qso’es in the WPX contest. As a total, I’m now up to 213. Last new ones are OH3SR/VP9, TK5KP, HL3IB, C91XO, 9M6XRO, J88XF and R1FJT. Thank you all.

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K5D in the log – #321 total

Posted: February 14th, 2009 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio.

kp5.jpg K5D started up on Friday, but I was at work, so I didn’t have the chance to get him. Know a few LA’s got him very early. Saturday I got up early and had a listen. He was on 40M SSB, but couldn’t hear him, so I went to 40M RTTY to work a few QSO’es. After a while K5D started to come up, but was listening over 200. Then around 08Z he finally moved and started listening under 7.200. I got him quickly then for an all-time new one. Thank you to the K5D team.

Read the latest K5D Desecheo Island news here.

Comments: 8

JW9VDA is active February 12th – February 24th

Posted: February 13th, 2009 under DX, Dxpedition, Hamradio.

jw9vda.jpg Tony is active again from JW. Expect him to be active on CW, SSB and maybe some RTTY. He will be on the bands that are open. He was spotted last night on 20M and 40M. I did check 40M, but no signal here with me. QSL to his homecall LA9VDA. Enjoy the pile-up’s Tony and we will cross our fingers for some propagation for you.

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Jim Smith – VK9NS – SK

Posted: February 12th, 2009 under Hamradio.

vk9ns.jpg It is sad to hear this news indeed. I never had the pleasure working Jim from home, but I did work him once from A52JS. Jim activated many new and rare countries in his ham-career and also worked all the countries on SSB, Mixed and only missing one on CW. Jim was also inducted into the CQ DX Hall of Fame in 1986. One of his last big projects was writing his autobiography, The Old Timer. R.I.P. Jim.

It is with deep sadness that I inform you that Jim (VK9NS) passed peacefully away on Norfolk Island at 15:40 local time on 10 February 2009 after a short illness.

Jim is survived by his wife Kirsti (VK9NL) and his four children: Bruce (G3HSR), Stuart, Sheena and Fraser (all living in the UK).

Jim’s contribution to Amateur Radio, DX-ing and IOTA is inestimable. He will be sadly missed.

Further information and condolences can be sent to Kirsti at jimkirsti(at)

Bruce (G3HSR)

Comments: 3

WordPress 2.7.1 released

Posted: February 11th, 2009 under Homepage, Software.

wp_logo.png WordPress 2.7.1 was just released, and the upgrade was an easy one this time. I just used the built-in upgrade option. 68 tickets has been fixed with this release. Grab it here if you must upgrade manually. To see the changes go here.

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